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It's been a month since I've confessed to Happy what was going on with me. and it's been that same amount of time since I've seen him.

And it makes me feel like shit. like all that was said between us was bullshit on his side.

So I've decided I'm leaving and I won't look back, I won't do anything I've done in this city with happy with anyone else.

I was honest with him when I told him I loved him. and for him to not talk with me after me telling him how I feel and ignore my texts and calls is bullshit and it hurts so much.

After I packed everything up ready to go I gave the house a final look before I went to go unlock my car when Happy walked up.

he went to kiss me back I blocked him.

"what's wrong?" he asked,

"what do you want?" I asked

"I have found a doctor who can help you," he says

I scuffed and shook my head

"I told you there is no help for me and what I have," I tell him.

"Can we please talk?" he asked

I sighed but nodded my head as I took him inside.

 "where are you going?" he asked seeing the boxes.

"I'm leaving. I'm not gonna let you break my heart anymore" I tell him

"I didn't do anything," he says

"you blew me off after I told you what's going on with me. you ignored me for a whole fucking month. never texted me back or called me. you've never come back over here. you just ...." I couldn't finish I just started crying.

"I've been busy looking every fucking were for help for you. cause I told you I'm not losing you and I'd help you. I'm sorry for not contacting you or anything for a month. I wasn't in charming and my burner was smashed when I got in a fight." he says

I sniffled and wiped my eyes still not talking.

"Piney and JT told me of a specialist that one of their brother at arms dealt with who specializes in so much. one of them being what you have. " he starts explaining.

I nodded my head letting him know I was listening.

He walked up to me wiped the tears from my eyes and tilted my head up.

"you and I are gonna go and talk to him face to face and we will handle everything as it comes. then I'm gonna marry you" he says

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me and smiled

"you spent a full month looking for this doctor so you can help me?" I asked

"of course I did. I love you and I'm not losing you. everything I told you that night you came clean about what's going on with you isn't bullshit." he says

"If given the chance I'd marry you in a heartbeat," I tell him before I pulled him close and kissed him.

"we'll marry baby. that's a promise" he says

I smiled and nodded before kissing him again as he lifted me up in his arms and held me to him as he walked over towards my bedroom and showed me how sorry he is for ignoring me for a month and showing me just how much I mean to him and I showed him the same.

I Truly Love you (short story ) completed (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now