ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 26. 1 𝕎𝕖𝕖𝕜 𝔸𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣

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It's been a week since the whole picnic gatherings with the members and GOT7's members, and honestly, it was one of the best days that happened to NamJoon. The way he could slip in and out from his headspace without any hesitancy. It finally made NamJoon feel like he was home, and they are his home.

However, ever since that day, YoonGi has been so busy with himself the day after they had gathered. It was really weird for NamJoon to witness the way YoonGi would try to excuse himself nervously as his voice waver( NamJoon swore it did), just for a reason that he have so many ideas and he couldn't wait at all to jot it all down and make 'many many songs, for the groups' just like he said.

At some point, NamJoon has these thoughts swirling inside his head that YoonGi is ignoring him but no, he pushes those stupid bad thoughts away. He trusts YoonGi and he doubts the other would do that. Maybe YoonGi really is busy and would appreciate for the others not to bother him at all. 

With the way YoonGi behave and seemingly want to have his own time, NamJoon wouldn't dare to interrupt him with a knock on the door of his studio and say that he misses him these days and want him. He did his best to refrain himself but just like a human he is, he also has a patience limit.

It's been a week, yes. You heard it right. A. Whole. Week. Pass. Since YoonGi last spend time with him.

Right now, NamJoon is so bored. Currently, they have a long holiday and to be honest, NamJoon is not in his mood to do anything so he spread around lazily on the couch like a lost starfish in their living room.

He went earlier to SeokJin and asks him if there is anything he could do and help with his presence but he was waved off by the older, saying that NamJoon isn't allowed to do any help regarding things in the kitchen. SeokJin loves his kitchen so much to sacrifice it for the younger which leads to NamJoon jotting his lips forward in a sulking manner. He huffed and stormed out of the kitchen and went to Hoseok instead but the male was nowhere to be found.

He sighed and tried to search for their maknae. However, the moment NamJoon opened the said male's room, he is actually greeted with the sight of the younger in his own world, face shoved into the pc(If NamJoon could only kick him inside)he was sitting in front of, playing with his games while wearing his headphones... NamJoon sighed again before finding himself closing his eyes on the couch in the middle of the living room.

Then a startling tap on his shoulders got him awake,

NamJoon groan and squint his eyes at the brightness when a sudden device was shoved in front of his face by the others, trying to focus on whatever displaying on it. He pushes the wrist a bit farther from his face.

He then look up at the person who grinning as wide as he could while looking back down at him. NamJoon raises his eyebrow in confusion, "What are you trynna say??"

"Inception or Deja Vu?"


"I'm waiting, Hyung" The other frowned, tapping his foot impatiently

"Hang on, what's with the unexpected question Tae?"

"I and Jimin made a playful bet on which era would you choose better"

NamJoon tilts his head, "Why me tho?"

"Just because" he shrugs it off like it was nothing.

"Well, which one did you choose?" NamJoon asks, hoping to know what the younger's pick will be.

Taehyung looks as if he was about to tell NamJoon which one he chose but quickly shut his mouth back, thinking that it will be very unfair to Jimin who really anticipated NamJoon's answer.

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