A new start

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"Wake up, Kishi.."I say softly.She grumbles and opens her eyes.This was the best sleep i've ever had."I've already had a shower," I've put on the ugly school dress too."You gotta get in."She sits up and yawns,streching her arms up.

"I haven't slept like that in a long time,"She chuckles,jumping off the bed and running in the bathroom.I brush my hair and wait for her to be done."I'm going to be down in the breakfast hall" I told in the crack of the bathroom door.

"Okay!" Kishi answers.I walk out of our room and start walking down the hall.

"Good morning~"Hikaru greets.

"Morning,Hikaru." I reply.He raises a eye brow and his eyes widen.

"How can you tell me apart from my brother?"He asks,looking at me with an interested look.

"Its not that hard," I reply."This might not make any sense but even if you and your brother look the same, you look different"He frowns and crosses his arms."Yeah, it doesn't make any sense i know."Hikaru smirks and starts walking next to me.

"I heard about your background story,"He says."Quite sad but it was funny how my dad caught you.I mean, stealing?Thats just-"

"Shut up!" I yell."Do you think its something i want to do?I did it so me and Kishi can survive.For years we've only had eachother,no one else"He looks down to the ground sadly,avoiding eye contact."I'm only staying here and being a stupid 'maid' because its better for Kishi.If it was just me i would be out of here by now"

"Sorry,"He mutters.With a sigh i continue walking.I have breakfast with the twins and Kishi soon comes down."Kishi look at your hair.." I mutter,its all messy.

"Sorry, i'm hopeless,"She chuckles.

"Come here," I order.She comes to me and bends down so i can do her hair.Brush it with my fingers and soon its all straight and nice."Thanks, Asa"She grins happily and starts to eat.

Kaoru chuckles and blushes."I've decided,"Hikaru grins."Asa will be my personal maid and Kishi can be Kaoru's"Kaoru nods in agreement.Both of them giving us a evil smile.

"Well i would normally not agree to that,"I add"But its better if kishi goes to your brother.So far hes more mature then you,"Hikaru smirks and shrugs.

"Whats up with you guys?"Kaoru asks.

"Asa is just mad at me because shes a theif~"Hikaru says.

"Am not!" I yell.

"Are too!" He yells.Kishi and Kaoru both sigh.Soon we get into the limo and head to the school.Me and Kishi both can't stop staring at the school.Its really huge.A school for rich people i assume."Like it?" The twins ask.Me and kishi ignore them and start looking around.

"This place looks really cool,"I say."But its probably full of rich bastards.."Kishi nods.We keep on walking then we bump into a woman...wait.. woman in mans clothing?

"...So we could choose to wear that instead?" I ask the woman.She raises a eyebrow."I'm Asa.That's Kishi.Whats your name?"

"I'm Haruhi,"She replies.

"Why are you wearing the mans uniform?"Kishi asks.The girl freezes.

"How could you tell?"She asks.

"Wait, do you mean.. everyone here thinks your a boy?" We ask.She nods.

"But you look a lot like a girl.." Kishi mumbles.I nod my head in agreement."People here must be idiots,"Haruhi laughs and so do we.The twins come from behind us and put their arms around us.

"I see you met Haruhi~"The  boys say."Hes really cool right?"

" 'Shes' " Me and Kishi correct them.

"What?.." The twns mutter.

"They know,"Haruhi chuckles.The twins smirk then we head to class.The twins and Haruhi sit down and me and Kishi stand up in front of the class because the teacher wanted us to tell the class a little about us."I'm Asa,"I say.

"I'm Kishi" Kishi adds.

"We're 15 and as you can see we're twins."We both add together.

"Any questions?"The teacher asks.A boy with spikey blue hair raises his hand.

"Where do you live?"He asks.Me and kishi look at the twins.They frown and shrug.Kishi nudges me with her arm,signaling me to answer."We live with Hikaru and Kaoru.." I mumble,feeling uneasy.All eyes are now on the twins.

"Yes.Their family is sailing the sea so they have been staying with us,"The twins explain.I'm just lucky they didn't tell everyone that we're their maids

.A girl raises her hand."How can people tell you apart?"She asks.

"I'm Asa.I have purple eyes.Kishi has blue eyes,"She says.They all look closely and nod."That is the only difference."

Me and Kishi sit down next to eachother and everyone starts talking to us.Soon enough its the end."Lets go to the host club,"The twins say.

"Host club?"Kishi mutters.We go to a music room and we are greeted by alot of men and Haruhi.They explain what the host club is and why Haruhi is uncover as a man.

"This is Asa and Kishi.Asa is the one with purple eyes.Kishi is the one with blue eyes," The twins introduce us and they start to explain how we got to know them and that we're their maids.They tell us all the hosts names too.

"That's a sad story.."Honey mumbles,sniffling."You two living alone.No parents and having to steal to survive.." Little tears come in the corner of his eyes."But its good you are living with Kao-chan and Hika-chan,"

"Good?"I mutter."Right.." Hikaru frowns and stares at me.

"Everyone thinks that their parents are sailing the seas" Kaoru says."They don't know these guys are maids so keep it a a secret.I don't think they would like the whole school knowing about it"I cross my arms and look up to Mori.He stares at me with cold eyes and gives me a soft smile,making me  blush and look away.

We watch the twins do their act and then we go home.

We put the stupid whore maid outfit on then start being the twins maids.This is just..too much for me right now.Being a maid?To Hikaru?I don't like him at all.I don't like any of this.But the school is pretty cool and its better then living out on the street.

Plus Kishi loves it here.

That's all that matters.

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