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So me and kishi both signed the contract.I didn't even know you could own people but i guess you can now."Thats great"Haruhi says as kishi explains.

"Y-yeah.."She says."Kaoru is a great boyfriend"My eye twitches and i clentch my fists in anger.If kishi is happy then that's fine.I just don't want her to get hurt."Calm down asa"Haruhi says.

"What do you mean calm down?I'm fine"I say.She raises her eye brow.

"That look on you're face doesn't say 'fine'"She says.Ugh.Right now we're out shopping.Kishi said she wanted to come with haruhi.I didn't want to but..

"How was the date with hikaru?"Kishi asks.

"Oh,they went on a date?"Haruhi asks."Cool,so really how was it"

"It.. it was.."

"Because being here with you is great"

"Was.."I don't know really.It was fine i guess  but...ugh,i just don't know.I couldn't love hikaru or anything but...when i was thinking about signing the contract,all i could think of is spending more time with hikaru.No way, i couldn't love him.Hes just fun,i guess."You like hikaru?"Haruhi asks.

"No!"I yell."The date was fine.I got this cat plushie and we went to a psychic and.. it was just fine"Haruhi and kishi exchange smirks and sigh.

"I should be getting home now"Haruhi says."See you guys,my house is the other way"She changes direction and waves goodbye.I guess we should be getting home too.

"There they are!"A group of voices yell.People run upto us and start taking pictures and asking questions.

"Hey back off!"I yell and push them away.Kishi stands there confused."I will break your cameras!" A limo races by.

"Get in!"The twins yell.I grab kishi and push her in first,me following behind.Once we get into the limo it drives away."What was that about?"Kishi asks.

"Since you're the Long Lost Twins,people want to take pictures and ask you stuff"The twins say.How annoying.

We head back and kishi and i start making dinner."How are you two going?"Yuzuha asks as she walks in to check on dinner.

"We're good,nice to see you again Mrs.Hitachiin"We both say.

"Girls girls, you don't have to call me Mrs.Hitachiin like the other maids"Yuzuha says."Well,i haven't seen you two in ages.So whats been happening?My two little boys haven't been bothering you have they?"She stays silent for a minute then laughs."Of course they have"She chuckles.

"Well i'm dating kaoru"Kishi says,making me twitch and clentch my fists in anger once again.

"Oh thats lovely"Yuzuha says."So,you dating hikaru, asa?"

"No way"I say."Hes more annoying then kaoru.No offence of course.."Why did i say no offence?..

"I heard you went on a date with hikaru"Yuzuha chuckles."Well i had spys watching.I told them to video tape everything!The psychic was pretty good right?"What?!

"Can i see the tape?"Kishi asks.She nods.Spying on us?Ugh.Just she was about to tell kishi the details,hikaru and kaoru walk in.

"Hows dinner?"They both ask.Their expression turns from carless to suprised."Oh we thought we saw you come in mum"

"Hello boys"She walks up and gives them both a hug."So kaoru- wait are you kaoru?"She asks hikaru.

"Nah i'm hikaru"He explains carelessly.

"Oh okay"She says and turns to kaoru."So, i hear you're dating kishi here"She nudges his arm with her elbow.Kaoru smiles and nods.This just makes my anger build up even more.

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