Personality Swap? Part 2 (Hikarus/Asas POV)

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We arrive at school.I hope everything  goes well.I still don't understand whats going on with asa and kishi.Daichi walks up to me."Hey"He says.I hate that man.

"Dai-chan!I love you!"Asa yells happily.She crawls and hugs his leg.Daichi blushes and has confusion in his eyes."A-asa?.. what are yo-"

"Lets play together!"She giggles."You're like one of those anime charries!With dah blue hair and stuff"He chuckles and looks around awkwardly.Everyone in class is staring at them."You can be a prince and i can be the princess.But!!Ya gotta ask me to marry you first!"She giggles more.N-no way!

"Asa i can be you're prince"I say."Hes like one of those werewolfs in the manga.Who get girls and.. kill them!"Asa starts crying and she jumps on me,hugging me.

"You.."Daichi mutters.

"Shut up asa"Kishi says."You're so annoying!"

"Waa!Hika-chan!"Asa cries."Hika-chan, kis-chan is being a big poopy pants!"Everyone in the class just stares awkwardly.Even the teacher..

"Whats up with asa and kishi?.."A girl asks."Its like they have gotten a new personality''Yes.But the question is... how?..

We arrive at the host club.Host club is closed today so we can figure out why this is happening."Mor-chan!"Asa yells and jumps on mori."Piggyback ride?"Mori stares blankly at her.I can see a little bit of blush on his face.He nods and starts giving asa  a piggy back ride.

"How childish"Kishi says.

"Haruhi would you like daddy to give you a piggy back ride?"Tamaki asks haruhi.Haruhi shakes her head.Tamaki cries and goes into his emo corner.

"You can't be her dad"Kishi says."You don't look like her,you're too young and theres many more things wrong with that.Its just impossible.Stop being such a idiot tamaki"Tamaki goes into a further emo corner.

"Thats enough kishi!"Kaoru yells,catching kishi by suprise."Stop acting like a bitch and help us out!"Kishi frowns and crosses her arms."Do you remember when you started acting like this?"

"I've always been like this"Kishi says."Idiot"

"Tell me right now!"Kaoru yells."Did someone do this to you?!"

"Oh my my.."A man in a black robe says."It seems asa and kishi have gotten hypnotized"

"Nekozawa?.."Kaoru says."A-and what do you mean?W-well how?."

"I just happened to be watching.."He says."A female in a black coat did this to them.Swapping their personality but altering the personality also.In a way its asa and kishis fault.Hypnosis only works if you believe in it"

"And theres one person whos been out for them all this time"I say.Kaoru looks at me.

"Mr.Suzuki!"We both yell.

"Speaking of my father.."Kishi says."I'm going to visit him.Maybe even stay with him instead of you two annoying brats"She starts walking out."Come asa"

"Oh!Okay kis-chan!"Asa says and jumps off of mori.They both run off."Seeing papa will be good!"

"We can't let them go!"I yell.All of the host club starts running after them.

"I'd like you to stop"Some men in black suits say.A limo pulls up and they jump into it."Mr.Suzuki will repay all of their debt"Debt?.. oh yes, debt as in all the stuff they stole.. but actually how much did they steal?"Their our maids"Kaoru says.

"No,they aren't."A man pops out of nowhere.Their father."You're mother took them in because of their backstory.Because they had nowhere to go and because they were twins.Now they have somewhere to go.Somewhere where they can't be with people they hate.Don't worry,their personalitys will be changed back.Good day"

They all walk off."We got to get them back"I say.I turn and look at the host club.They nod.

We all agree and go over to sakura farms."Do you know how much trouble you're in?!"Mr.Suzuki yells."You're mum died because you!You f-cking low lifes!"

"I'm sorry papa.."Asa cries.

"Change them back!"He yells.The woman walks up and dangles the string with the ball on the end again."Return to you're normal state of mind.."The woman says."You're old mind with you're old thoughts"She snaps her fingers and their returned to normal.

-Back to asas pov-

Ugh,what happened?I don't remember a thing after that creepy woman."Dad?"Kishi says.I look up to face the man above us."You're back home.."My dad says."Those evil twins were horrible.."

"They were nice.."Kishi says.

"Oh no they weren't kishi.."My dad says."They brainwashed you"Huh?.. brainwashed.Thats stupid."You don't remember anything before she came up to you don't you?"He points at the woman."She tried to  give you back your memories.They took you're memories and altered them.They brainwashed you BUT after she tryed she made you go Robot.So you don't remember anything that happened after you did that"

My dad gets up and pulls us up off our chairs."You're home now"He says."Those twins they were horrible to you.They treated you like scum.They treated like you we're dogs."

Is this true?Why would dad lie to us?.."Are you mad?"I ask."That we left you and mother"His face scrunches up.He forces a smile.

"It only matters that you're here now"He says."Sebastian"He calls his butler."Take them to their room"The butler nods and takes us away.

"What a lie!"Hikaru yells as softly as he  can.

The twins weren't horrible to us.Well hikaru was a asshole sometimes but thats about it.We had a good time when we were with them.

"Why didn't you tell them about their father?"Haruhi asks.

"We didn't want them to know..."The twins say.

"Know what?"Tamaki asks.

"That their father is a horrible person"They reply.

"And their father killed their mother"Kyoya adds.He did the research.Only a handful of people know."Mr.Suzukis lawyer got him to just do community service for a month and not go to jail"

Me and kishi head to the bathroom."I can't believe we got brainwashed"Kishi says.How can she be fooled so easy? it lie?Father wouldn't have a reason to lie to us.Suddenly a shadowy figure throws a knife at us."Duck!"I yell to kishi.The knife hits me but only in my shoulder.

"Asa!"Kishi yells in fear.I turn to look at the man.

"Don't worry,it will only hurt for a bit"The man says.He hits us on the head.

Next thing i know we're out cold.


W..what?..I look around us and we're in a slaughter house!What the hell?!My father and a group of men and sitting on a couch in front of us."Dad?.."Kishi mumbles.Whats going on?"

"I've finally got you"My dad says."You're mum couldn't stand it.She wanted to know if you were alive or dead.So i killed her but thats all for nothing"He grins."She died because of you.Now you'll go and join her.She'll be happy"

My dad.. is insane!

He  gets up and holds a gun up to our  face."But i do want you to die knowing we saved you, from those horrible twins.All you're memories with them are fake"He giggles.They can't be fake.

Hes just insane!Hikaru,kaoru.. come help us!

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