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I walk to Hikaru's room and place the tray with his breakfast on it on his lap.We had to wake up early to make breakfast and put the maid outfit on."Morning, master"I say softly.He opens his eyes and yawns.

"Morning.."He whispers and starts eating."Nice red panties~"I grab the pillow and throw it at his face.He chuckles quietly and yawns once again."Can you make a cake?"

"Sure but why?"I ask,tilting my head a little.

"The host club is going to come over today" He says."To talk about themes and stuff like that.Plus i want to see how crappy your cake will be"Crappy, huh?

"Fine then, i'll make the best goddamn cake you've ever eaten!"I exclaim.

Hikaru smirks and i run out and start baking.They have all the stuff i need.I start making the cake and baking it.Doing the best i can."Ok.."I look on the side of the icing packet."Do blend?"I mutter.I'm not sure if it says do blend there's a scratch in the middle of those two words a big one.You can hardly see the words do blend.Do i have to blend the icing?

I pour the icing into the blender and start  blending it.Oh crap i forgot to put the lid on!"Aaaah!"I scream as icing goes everywhere.


Hikaru sits there in his bed eating dinner."Aaaah!"A faint scream echos.Hikaru laughs and smirks.

-Back with Asa-

I throw the lid onto the blender and let out a huge sigh.I continue making teh cake for awhile.

Ding dong.

Oh crap someones at the door.I have all this icing on my clothes and skin too.Uggh.

I rush to the door and open it."Yeah,what do you want?"I ask.Oh.

"Is that icing?"Honey asks.I nod.Mori starts at me and smirks.All the host club exept Mori starts laughing.

Blush suddenly covers my face."Hikaru wanted me to make a cake for you guys.."I mumble."It said to blend the icing so i did it and..."

"You don't blend icing"Kyoya says.

"Y-you don't?.."I mumble.Kyoya smirks."Just come in and sit down.The cake is almost done."

"Nice outfit,Asa"Haruhi chuckles.

"Hey, the perverted twins made me and Kishi wear this crap,"I say.The host  club chuckles and walks in,sitting down on the couch and waiting.

"Is that smoke?"Tamaki asks and sniffs.I sniff the air too and realize my cake is burning.

"Oh crap the cake!"I yell and run off.

I take the cake out of the oven.Its.. fine?Its a perfect brown color yes.I take the icing and cover it all.Hikaru,Kaoru and Kishi go to the lounge and greet the host club."Hikaru!"I yell and walk in the room with the cake on a tray."Here is your cake,"

His eyes light up.I place the cake on the table."Dig in everybody."

"Yay!"Honey yells.Mori cuts himself a piece and Honey a piece,as does Hikaru cuts himself one and same with the others.

"Lets see if it tastes as good as it looks,"Hikaru says and takes a  bite.All of the host club takes a bite too.They stay silent.

"Well, is it good?"I ask.

Hikaru's face goes purple and he forces himself to swallow it."That... are you trying to  kill me?!"He yells.Honey spits the cake out as does everyone else.Mori swallows it and continues to eat.I look inside  the cake, its all burnt inside.How the hell?!

"Mori don't eat that!"I yell.He ignores me and continues to eat.

"Its good,"He says then eats some more.The host club is amazed,as they think its the worst cake ever.Eh?Blush appears on my face.

"Y-Yeah its  good, i lied when i said it was bad!"Hikaru says,seeming a bit jealous of Mori somehow.. and grabs another piece and stuffs it into his mouth.

I look down to the cake and cut myself a piece."Don't,"Kishi warns me.I take a bite into the cake piece and hot sauce comes out.Hot sauce?!

Haruhi starts laughing."Why did you put hot sauce into it?"She chuckles.

"I don't even remember putting it in the cake.."Suddenly the hot sauce gets to me.I reach for the glass of water but Hikaru takes it and drinks it."You're a asshole!"He smirks and finishes it.

"Oh, did you need that?"He asks."By the way that dress is so short i can see  your underwear~"Blush covers my face.Hes  a goddamn retarded pervert.I grab a piece of cake and shove it into his mouth.

I turn and run off to get a glass of water.I grab a huge jug and fill it with water,drinking all of the water in it.I really can't  cook good can i?.. the breakfast i make is horrible too.How can Hikaru eat that everyday?"You ok?"A cold voice asks.

"O-oh yeah"I say and turn to face the man."Why did you keep eating,Mori?Its horrible"He shakes his head.Well he thinks its pretty good i guess,that or hes just being really nice.

"You don't have  to be really nice mori.I know i'm a horrible cook,its not like i can't handle people saying i'm bad at cooking,"He walks up to me and pats my head.

"You're a great cook,you just need some more practice"He says.

"Then i'll make you some cake for school"I say sarcasticly.He nods."Oh?..o-ok then"

-Back with the host club-

"Takashi really likes Asa-chan,"Honey states."So i want them to go on a date,"Hikaru starts to death stare honey."I will ask Asa-chan to go on a date with me but then i'll fake sickness so  Takashi will have to go in my place"

"No."Hikaru says."I don't ag-"Kaoru covers his mouth.

I come back in the room with Mori."Asa-chan!"Honey yells happily."Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"He asks.

"D-date?" I mumble.He starts giving me the puppy dog eyes and leans in closer and closer."I-i.."

"Pleasseee"He begs.

"Fine!"I say,he finally gets out of my face.

"Yay!"He giggles.

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