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I've been watching the televison and reading the news papers.It seems that mother died.She took her own life.It would be good to attend the funeral but we can't show up there.Her lost pair of female twins.Two girl twins just showing up there..people will know.Its not like i don't want to go back but.. if we do.What if their happier without us?What if they hate us?I can't stop thinking about all the things that could happen if we did decide to go back,not to live there since we have to be hitachiin maids.Maybe just to tell them that we're back."I can't believe mums dead"Kishi says.I look up into her sad eyes.

"Its ok"I say."Look on the bright side,she is watching us up in heaven"A little smile appears on kishis face.I don't believe in gods or anything like that.To me it doesn't really matter but kishi loves to believe there is someone watching over us."I hope they have alot of sweets there"She says."She always did love chocolates and cakes"

"I just would like to see her get buried"I say."Its a shame we can't see it"Kishi sadly nods.

"Why not?"The twins ask.

"They lost two female twins" Kishi says.

"Then two female twins show up at their funeral"I add."We can't just show up after being lost for so long"The twins look at eachother and sigh with crossed arms.

"Just wear a disguise" They say."Easy"Kaoru picks up kishi and hikaru picks me up.They begin walking.We get to a room full of clothing,wigs and everything a designer could want."You're not serious.."I mumble.

"It will be fun"Hikaru says.Kishi looks at me and shrugs her shoulders.

"Fine"We say.We start making the disguise and soon we're done.We wait untill the day of the funeral and sit there while she gets buried into the ground.Nobody is noticing us.I have a blonde wig while kishi has a black wig.I'm the older one,i shouldn't cry.Kishi crys a little while i hold in my tears.Hikaru and kaoru even came.They made wigs for themselfs too.Hikaru in a pink wig and kaoru in a  blue wig.

Soon enough its over.I take a look around the crowd.I spot my father with a group of business men and a few friends.Doing business at mums funeral?Seriously..?

"Yes yes..i still can't believe she killed herself"My father says sadly.He glances over our way."Who are those four?"He asks.His friends look over where hes looking.

"Is that a wig?"One of them asks.We decide to leave the funeral after awhile.

"I want you to follow them"He says to the bodyguards.


We get home and i throw the wigs off."Those make my head itch"I complain.Hikaru nods in agreement.Kishi yawns and takes off her wig."'I'm going to bed"She says.

"Me too"Kaoru says.They walk off together.Leaving me with hikaru.

"You didn't have to be so tough" Hikaru says."I saw you holding it in"

"H-holding what in?.."

"You're tears"He responds quickly.To avoid eye contact i look out the nearby window and walk over to it.Hikaru smiles and walks near me."Hey, its ok to cry"He puts his arm around me."Everybody does"

"I wasn't holding it in"I say."I do not cry"He crosses his arms and sighs."Whos that?"His expression changes from angry to confused as he looks at the unfamilar person in his garden,taking pictures and/or taping us."Move"He says and pushes me down to the ground.

"Hey you could of just told me nicely"I say."No need to push me down"Hikaru keeps on staring at the man.The man still hasn't decided weither to run away or not.He opens the window and runs out to the man."Hey who are you?!"Hikaru yells.The unfamilar man gets up and runs off.Hikaru looks on the other side of the garden.Kaoru chasing another man.The man gets away with the other man."Hikaru who were those guys?"He asks as he runs up to hikaru.

"I think i've got some idea.."He mumbles.They both look back at me and kishi.They whisper something to eachother then walk off....



"We're holding a haunted house event"A girl in the class says."It will be just like the one we did before, we're holding it because we need some class bonding"Some students groan and others talk to eachother about how cool the haunted house idea is.Cool?It is not cool."Stupid..."I mumble.

"Why are you scared?"Hikaru asks.

"No.I'm not scared of anything"I reply.He chuckles and crosses his arms.

"You must have a weakness"He says.

"No, i do not"He raises a eyebrow and gives kaoru a look.

"What is asa  scared of?" Hikaru asks kishi.Kishi stays silent and thinks.She doesn't even know.I d-..don't have a weakness nor am i scared of anything."I-i don't know.."She answers."Shes never told me,what is it asa?"

"I don't have a weakness and i'm not scared of anything"I say and turn to hikaru."Let it go"He gives me a careless look and sighs.The girl continues talking.It will be held tonight."Will their be a page on the schools paper for the cowards?"Daichi asks.

"Yes"She answers.Really?Thats not very nice.Its not their fault if their cowards,they shouldn't be a page just for the cowards."We will be competeing with other classes" The girl says."Who can scare the other class most!Whoever wins gets a tophy for their class."

"I love haunted houses"Kishi giggles."Their scary but fun"Kaoru nods in agreement."Its pretty mean how their going to put the cowards on the front page though.."I nod my head in agreement but the twins smirk and shrug.

Its finally night time and we're walking around the haunted house.I gotta admit its pretty scary but i'm in a group.What could go wrong?"Hey kishi remember t-"I look back and only see a tired hikaru."Wheres kaoru and kishi?!"He shrugs.

"Kaoru said he wanted to go and show kishi the river of blood"He says.Kaoru.. alone with kishi.. in a  haunted house?!What if hes doing perverted things to her?!

-In mind theater-

"Oh kaoru-chan i'm scared!" Crys kishi.

"Don't worry i'm here"Kaoru replies in a suductive tone."I'll make you feel safe"He leans forward and starts kissing kishi.

"P-please..n-no kaoru!" Kishi crys.


"Noooo!"I  scream out.

"Trust me that won't happen.."Hikaru sighs."Lets just try to have fun..."


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