France! (Asa's/Hikaru's POV)

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I've been thinking about what Kishi said before.After all that she also said..

"I don't need you to protect me anymore."

Harsh.It seems like she doesn't need me anymore.We haven't talked alot too.That 'Talk' back then was a few days ago.Is this our first big fight?"So,who will be going to take the trip to France?"The teacher asks.Hikaru and Kaoru look at eachother for a moment then both look at me and Kishi.Kishi is sitting far away from me now."Asa"I turn my head towards Hikaru."Would you like to go?"

"I really don't care"I say and turn my head away.Hikaru crosses his arms and sighs,he turns and looks at Kaoru,who is dealing with Kishi."Sure,it'll be fun"Kishi says,trying to sound happy.

"Kaoru"Hikaru whispers.Kaoru looks at hikaru with a serious look."Uh,whats going on with Asa and Kishi?"

"I-i don't know"Kaoru lied.Hikaru frowns and turns away.

And thus,we went to France a few days later!

"Ah~Haruhi isn't France just beautiful?!"Tamaki asks while spinning around.

"Why is everyone here?"I ask."Isn't it suppost to be just our class?"

"All the other classes when on other trips,since they didn't have to go there they could choose what class to go with"Hikaru explains."Me and Kaoru wanted our class to go to Spain"

"Lets look around!"Honey yells, happily."We're allowed to go away from the class group for awhile"Everyone agrees and we start looking around."Oh,asa-chan look"Honey grabs my arm and pulls me to a fountain."The Myth says if you toss a coin into that fountain you will find your true love!"

"It probably doesn't work"Haruhi says and walks up to us."B-but why not"She grabs a coin and throws it into the fountain.

"Oh haruhi!"Tamaki cries happily.He runs up to haruhi and spins her around."I just threw a coin in a fountain too!It must be fate!Our two coins thrown together at the same time!"Me and Honey stand there watching Tamaki make a fool of himself.

I look over at Hikaru.He looks around nervously and throws a coin into the fountain."He did it why don't you?"Honey asks.

"I don't want to,its stupid"I say."Plus i don't really care if Hikaru did it,why should i do it if h-"

"Yes you do"Honey says seriously but he keeps a smile on his face.

"W-what?No wait, what does that mean?"

"You know what it means"Honey giggles."Kao-chan and Kis-chan,their together.It seems like all that's missing is you and Hika-chan"

"Missing?What do you mean by that?"I ask.He stays silent."Honey"

"Nevermind"He giggles."Just throw a coin in the fountain,kay?"I nodd my head then he runs off and jumps on Mori.Just for the heck of it i'll throw in a coin.I grab a coin out of my pocket and toss it into the fountain,maybe it'll bring something good...."Cool you want aliens too"Hikaru says as he walks upto me.Aliens?"That's why you threw the coin in the fountain right?"

"Y-yeah.."I mumble softly.Aliens?Thats why he threw the coin in the fountain. 

-Hikaru's POV-

I had to make up a excuse.I couldn't say i threw it in the fountain to find 'True Love' could i?Its corny but i don't know why i did it.I wasn't going to do it but then i saw Asa near the fountain and that made me want to.

I just have strange feelings about Asa.I like how she can get hot headed sometimes,i like how she'll never  put down a challenge.I like that she protects her sister but- well- i just like everything about her.Well.. i don't know.Maybe i could Love asa.I think i  do..

She looks sad though,i wonder why.

I don't know whats with Asa and Kishi too.Their acting like complete strangers.They won't talk to eachother or anything like that."Rumor has it,if you throw a coin in that fountain you'll see aliens"I say.She looks at me with a disappointed look.

I know i just made up that excuse but.. why did she throw the coin in?"Aah!"A scream comes from behind us.It seems like Kishi fell in the fountain."Help me out of here Asa"She demands."Please"

I see Asa doesn't know what to do."Asa" I whisper and reach my hand out to grab onto hers.She pulls away and sighs."She can do it on her own,she said she doesn't need me anymore"She says.I can see shes holding in tears.She turns and starts to walk away."I'll be at the hotel"She says."If anyone ne- well.. i mean if anyone cares,i'll be up there"

Geez.So shes one of those types of people.Whenever they get depressed they think everyone hates them.So childish.I look over to Kaoru whos helping Kishi get out of the fountain.He knows something i don't."Okay kaoru"I say and walk over to him,i grab his shirt collar and pull him away from Kishi."What happened between Asa and Kishi?"

"I don't know"He chuckles nervously.

"I know you know!"I yell."Just tell me!Kishi might not know it but thanks to this little 'Fight' of theirs Asa thinks nobody cares about her!Now tell me,what happened?!"Kaorus eyes stay wide and his mouth remains shut.

"Lets talk somewhere private"He says."And Kishi should come and explain too"I nod my head and we both look back at kishi whos at the fountain,still drenched in cold water.We walk into the Hotel everyones staying at and go to our room.Me and Kaoru are sharing a room together,next door is  Asa and Kishi.We made sure they got a room next to ours even though it isn't really allowed.

They sit down and start explaining everything.What asa said when they asked how Asa felt about me and what Kishi blurted out.


"Don't you understand Kishi?"I ask.She looks up to me and raises a eye brow."She loves having to 'Protect' you.You were her everything."

"No hikaru you don't understand"Kishi says."We asked Kishi how she felt about you.She never said she Liked or Loved you or anything like that but we think that's how she feels.She can't accept them if she does though,she feels as if she needs to always take care of me.She thinks that she can't have anything like that because she needs to take care of Me.I told her i could take care of myself"

"Still,you should of explained everything to her,like why you said that"I say,i get up and walk over to the door."You really hurt her" Kishi and Kaoru sigh.

So.. Asa could love me?

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