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We get back to the island.Stupid hikaru.I cough out some of the water,the water got in my mouth and ears!Ugh."A-achoo!"

"Crap,you really did get the flu"Hikaru chuckles."Anyway,that was pretty cool eh?It was like one of those action animes"

"Are you guys ok?" Haruhi asks.She runs over to us along with the rest of the host club.We both nodd."Your dad got taken away though,hes in jail"

"its okay"I say."Oh,wheres kishi and kaoru?"Haruhi points over to one of cop cars.Kishi and Kaoru are  both there explaining,their both soaked in water too."Good.."I say.Their safe.Both of them are safe.I look up to the sky to see that the sun is rising slowly."And this is just the first day here in France"

"Tomorrow we can explore more" Hikaru says."How about just you and me Asa"Blush covers my face as i remember what Hikaru was about to say before all of this happened."I-i-i um i don't- uh"For some reason i can't speak properly.

"I'll take that as a yes"He chuckles."Lets go back to the hotel"

So we went back to the hotel.

"I'm sorry"Yuzuha says."I had no choice,i didn't want to do thi-"

"Its ok"The twins interupt."We understand"

/Next day/

"Man,this place is awesome"Hikaru says."I never get sick of it"

"Yeah its beautiful"I respond."Oh hey,isn't it christmas in a few days?"

"Oh yeah it is too"He says."You better get me a present"He chuckles.

"Then you'd better get me one"I reply.He nodds.We keep walking around.Its beautiful here.The weather is sunny yet cloudy.Its warm and cold.Its just perfect here.I love France.I've always wanted to visit here."Hey do you want to be a singer when you grow up?"Hikaru asks.Eh?

"Eh?Well i wouldn't mind it"I say."I do like to sing,i've always sang to kishi"

"I think everyone would love to listen to your music"He says."I love your voice.Its beautiful"Blush covers my face.

"T-thanks"I ask.

"And i've been meaning to ask you this"Hikaru mumbles."Why did you throw that coin in the fountain?"

"I-i.. i wanted aliens"I say."Like you said"

"I just made up a excuse."He says."Before i tell you why i threw it in you tell me why you threw it in"

"You tell me first"

"No you tell me first"

"Nope"I reply.He crosses his arms and taps his foot."Fine,honey told me that if you throw it in you'd find your true love.Heh,corny right?No way it could happen"I start to chuckle nervously.

"Thats why i threw it in"He replies.Seriously?" you love me?More then a friend?I never  got to speak to you properly about it"

"N-no i jus-.. like a friend i love you.As a friend"I whisper."I mean.."

"Let me do this scene again"He says happily.He leans in closer and looks into my eyes."Just tell me the truth.."Hes doing the same thing he did on the eiffel tower!"Because i-"

"Yes i love you"I interupt.His eyes widen.I don't know how i fell inlove with him.Hes a annoying perverted idiot."You didn't let me do the scene again"He pouts."Meanie"He chuckles.

"Sorry"I chuckle and poke my tounge out.He smiles at me and i smile back.

"I love you too"He whispers into my ear.He grabs my head and gently pulls it forward,locking in a kiss.

"That fountain does work"He says happily.

"Its fake"I reply.Blush still covering my face.

"So.How long have you loved me?"He asks.


"You probably fell for me the first time you saw me"He chuckles.

"Ok now you're acting like tamaki" I say.We both laugh and he kisses me again.

Seriously,how could i fall inlove with a perverted idiot like him?Eh,love is strange but i'm happy Hikaru feels the same way about me.

"Hey we're in public"Hikaru says."Everyones looking,lets give them a show"


 Kaoru and Kishi are together.

The only thing that was missing is Me and Hikaru being together.

Well its not missing anymore.

Its just like honey said,we were the only thing that was missing.

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