Personality Swap?.(Has hikarus and kaorus POV)

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I walk to the couch and sit down next to asa,waiting for the hosts to finish talking about cosplays and stuff."Are you sure you're ok?"I ask her.

"Yeah"She responds."I'm fine don't worry"We just found her lying in the middle of the street.Hikaru and her fight alot.I think its putting alot of stress onto her, but this is better.Better then being in the street.I love how shes protective of me but she pictures me as a weak baby.

Hikaru knows what shes scared of.Shes only been with him for well.. a few weeks or  a month now.I haven't been keeping track about how long we've been here.I'm her twin sister and i don't even know.I don't know how asa feels about us but i feel like shes slowly moving away but this is good for her.

Finding more people that matter to her in her life.Shes never actually showed a smile completely full of happiness but she has ever since we came to live with hikaru and kaoru."Here"Kaoru says and hands me a piece of paper.Hikaru hands asa one."Whats this?"Asa asks before i get to.

"Just sign it"Hikaru says.

"Its kinda a contract."Kaoru says."Sign it and you'll be ours forever"

"Yours?.." I mumble."Do you mean owning us?"The twins nod.

"No way!"Asa yells.The host club sighs and sits with popcorn,watching."We're not something you can own!"

"Its for you're own good"Hikaru yells back.

"Its for you're safety"Kaoru says."So your d-"Kaoru quickly covers his mouth and hikaru covers kaorus mouth also."Nevermind"They both say."Just sign it"

Owning?No way.."B-but..I-i got to go to the bathroom"Geez.I walk out of the host club and begin walking to the bathroom.

"Oh how fake you are"A creepy girl in a black coat asks.

"Fake?.. i'm not fake."I whisper.

"Oh please"The girl snorts."I'm suprised no one has seen through that fake cute act of yours."What?Fake?.."Lets make you someone more interesting"

"What?"I say.She smirks and leans on the wall.

"Speak you're mind"She says."Become someone new"She dangles a stringe with a spining circle with twisted lines in front of me."Have a new mind with new thoughts."I feel myself becoming more angry.

"I see the twisted thoughts in you're eyes"She says."Oohoh.. Mr.Suzuki would be pleased"She smirks and leaves.

At that time asa and the twins walk out with the contract."Oh hey kishi"Kaoru says happily."I thought you were going to the bathroom"


She snorts and chuckles."I just said that so i you wouldn't be in my sight"What?"Geez.Just rip up that stupid contract.Who would want to be owned by some ugly twins?I swear, i feel so sorry for you're bed or anything you own"

"Kishi why are you speaking like that?"Asa asks."Don't be so mean"

"Oh you shouldn't be one to talk sis"She says harshly."I mean, your 'mean' to hikaru all the time.I know hes a asshole but eh, well i can't really blame you.Plus kaoru puts on this fake nice act.Hes probably a asshole just like hikaru"

How could kishi say harsh words like this?"Come now,lets come home you homo twins"She turns and starts walking away."Oh and you two sis"

What the hell is going on?!

"Well i'm going to the bathroom"Asa says."I'll meet you both outside"


I head to the bathroom.How the hell?.. why is kishi being a bitch?I throw water onto my face and with a sigh i turn around.

A woman in a black coat smirks."Who are you?"I ask.She looks too old to be a student here.

"How would you like to become someone new?"She asks.What is she talking about?With a string with a ball of twisted lines on the end she dangles it infront of my eyes."Become someone new,speak you're mind,a new mind with new thoughts"



We finally arrive home.Asa is acting weird also."Oh hikaru~"Asa says cutely."I think i love you"W-what?!

"Pfft.Love is stupid and for kids"Kishi says.Wait..

"Its like their personality has swaped"Kaoru says."But asa isn't as mean as that..and kishi doesn't speak so freely,like saying i love you and stuff like that"I nod my head in agreement."And their acting like they hate eachother.."

"That is mean kis-chan!"Asa cries."You are a big meanie!"

"Asa is like a five year old.."I say.Asa runs up and hugs me.


"You've made their personalitys totally different.Kishi is like a mean  teenager while asa is like a little kid"Mr.Suzuki says.

"Yes yes.." The creepy woman says."You see,i've swaped their personalitys.Using hypnosis but i thought it would be a bit more fun to make kishi a bitch and asa a little child" stays silent."You wanted this didn't you?" The woman asks.He nods sadly.

/Back to the twins/

"Hika-chan"Asa whispers.I look down at her."I love you hika-chan!"She jumps on me and hugs me."Lets go read some bed time stories!"She giggles.

Kaoru sighs and looks over at kishi."What are you staring at fool?"She asks harshly."Get you're ugly face out of my sight.You and you're brother"I frown and walk off with asa.

"This was not the agreement!"Mr.Suzuki yells at the woman."You were suppost to make them both act mean.To make the twins hate them!"

"Oh? but its easyer to do one"The woman says."Asa goes along with whatever kishi says doesn't she?.."Mr.Suzuki nods his head slowly."Kishis hatred will grow,soon she will leave the twins.The contract will never be signed and they will come back to you.No need for force,just messing with their mind will work."He smirks and nods.

"But.. how did you do it?"He asks.

The woman smiles."Its easy"She says."But the person i'm doing it on has to believe in it"


"Oh!Hika-chan!"Asa calls."Lets sing together!"She giggles."Hika-chan is wonderful!Wonderful,wonderful.Hika-chan is wonderful!Also sexy!"W-what the hell?!I can feel my face heating up."Hika-chan"I look up at her and cross my arms."Dress me"

"W-what?!"I yell.

"I can't dress myself hika-chan.."She says sadly.

"I-i.. i.."I try to figure out what to say.She walks up to me with a cute face.She continus to stare at me."Um, maybe ki-"

"Waaii!"She yells and starts rolling around on the floor.This..this is going to be a long night.


"Oh,being a maid to someone like you.."She mumbles."You are a piece of shit.You're worthless,retarded.I'd rather be on the street then with scum like you"

"Shut up!"I yell."Why are you like this?What happened to the kishi we all know?"

"Her?I am her stupid"She says."I just decided to say whats on my mind and you know what i've been thinking nonestop?.."She leans in closer."I've been thinking about how much i hate you and you're brother.Well, mostly you"

W-what..whats going on?..

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