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I wait with kishi for kaoru and hikaru to finish.Hikarus been avoiding me.He got up on his own this morning and in class he ignored me.I guess hes still mad about yesterday.I don't understand what hes mad about."Haruhi can daddy come to your place tomorrow after school?"Tamaki asks.

"No"She says."Everyday you sent letters and come around just to say 'hi', its getting annoying plus i gotta go shopping."Tamaki frowns and goes into his emo corner.Haruhi turns towards me and kishi and smiles."You guys want to come along?"She invites.

"Sure"Kishi says.I nod my head.It could be fun.Tamaki gasps and grabs the twins.Putting his arm around them."Just picture it"He says.

-Tamakis In Mind Theartre-

"Hehehee!"The girls giggled.

"Lets get our nails done girls!"Haruhi says happily.

"Yes"The twins say happily also.They all hold hands and skip together.


"Haruhi could become more like a girl!"Tamaki crys out happily.Kaoru and hikaru nod their head.Kaoru blushes at the thought of kishi becoming even more girly.Hikaru blushes but he trys to hold it in.

And thus we went shopping with haruhi  the next day after school.

"So anything interesting happening?"Haruhi asks."I mean you are living with the twins after all"

"Well hikaru is being a pain"I say.Hikaru freezes.Of course him,tamaki and kaoru are spying."He went all crazy with me after i spent the day with mori"Haruhi and kishi raise  their eyebrow."Plus hes such a asshole.Kaoru is more nice and mature then him"

"Hey that isn't nice!"Hikaru yells.

"I knew you we're spying!"I yell back.Well now that their spotted they decide to tag along.Well this day out his ruined.Hikaru keeps on giving me death stares."If you got something to say just say it"I say."Instead of giving me those creepy stares"

"Nope i'm fine"He says and crosses his arms."Do YOU got something to say?"

"I've done nothing wrong!" I yell back.We start exchanging death stares.

"You guys got some major problems"Haruhi says."Lets go guys and lets leave these two alone to solve their problems"

"Hey don't leave me alone with this creep!"I say.Haruhi gives me a evil smile then they all walk off.Even kishi!"At least you're not completely alone"He says.Bringing up my fear/weakness.He leans in closer and whispers."You hate being alone.You're like a little kid."

"Stop being so immature!"I cry out."Its not my fault.That isn't funny hikaru!It just scares me whenever i am-.."I stop myself from saying anymore.So kishi,tamaki,kaoru and haruhi don't find out.I hate it when he does that.Its the first time hes made fun of me about that but.. it just makes me feel like crying."Asshole"I turn and walk away.

"I-...w-.."He figures out what to say.He clentches his fists and looks away."Fine then walk off.You baby"

I stop myself from saying anything else and walk off.

Stupid hikaru.

It gets later and later.Its finally night time.I've been walking around for ages."I better get home.."I say to myself.I begin to walk home.Man, i'm so tired.

Next thing i know i'm out cold.


"Come on asa i'm sorry!"

"Asa please home home sis.."

"Oh my god, asa!"

I wake up and notice i'm back home.In hikarus room.Next thing i know some strong arms and wraped around me."You worried us all"Hikaru says.

"Get off me"I say and get up.My knees fall weak and i fall down back onto the bed.

"Be careful"He says."Let me help you get up at least"

"Oh thats right, of course i need help.Not like i can do it by myself since i'm a baby!"Hikaru frowns and grinds his teeth.Hikaru gets up and starts walking away.I take a deep breath and cross my arms."Sorry"He stops and looks back at me,walking back to me and sitting down next to me.

"I'm sorry too" He mumbles."I was just.. i.. i got really mad when you went on that date.. i don't know why"Was he jelous?.."Sorry.You can go on all the dates with mori you want.I can't tell you what to do in your personal life.You were right and i'm sorry for making fun of you"

"Its ok i guess"

"You walked off even though you didn't like being alone.."Hikaru says."Why?"

"I rather be alone then with someone who makes fun of me"I say."Even though each step i took made me want to go back"

"..and i broke the promise"Hikaru mumbles and looks down at the ground sadly."Well don't worry.I promise not to let you go and walk off again.I also promise again not to leave you alone"

He leans closer and hugs me."U-uh.."

"Just don't do that again.You had us all worried"He says."Kishi was so worried she thought you died"

"Where is she n-"

"Shes asleep.So is kaoru"He interupts.I look over at the clock.Geez its one in the morning.Did he wait for me to wake up?"Why didn't you go to sleep?"I ask.He yawns.

"I wanted to see if you would wake up"He says."But your awake now so i guess i'll go to sleep"He yawns once again.He helps me up off the bed.I see hes already in his pyjamas."Thanks"I say.

"I'm just glad you're ok"He says with relief in his voice.We continue to stare at eachother.Awkward...

"Go to sleep baby"


 I storm off and go to bed.

Today was a tough day.

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