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Nandini closed her eyes pushing away the mobile from her ear as Navya shouted on the phone listening to nandini...

"Lower down your volume you nymphomeniac!"

Nandini told her with a frown on her forehead but navya ignored her best friend as she asked in a hyper shocked tone...

"You are telling me that 2 days ago you shouted on that guy about his classy Limo is the Prince of Wales, and on top of that you have to cover his story!"

Nandini bite her nails and nodded her head as is navya was looking at her...

"If he will remember you that you are gone Bitch!"

Navya spoke nandini's heart out making nandini make a crying face and fell on the most comfortable bed...

"Instead of giving me a shoulder to rely on you are pushing me to the edge!"

Nandini complained to her best friend who shrugged her shoulder saying now in a calm tone...

"I have told you so many times to keep your so called anger to yourself! But it seems you had to learn your lesson like this!"

Nandini groaned at her lectures and was about to say something when navya ended the discussion saying...

"Now just go and deal with it! And let me know about the consequences! I would love to go to Wales to cover a month long ceremony!"

"Go to hell!"

Nandini shouted and threw her mobile on the bed beside her before looking at the ceiling with a crying face...

"God help me please!"

Saying so she let out a fake cry and turned around on her stomach hiding her face in the pillow.....


Manik was sitting with thsi family having dinner on the big dinning area when Ananya spoke...

"Its going to be so much fun! A month long ceremony!"

Manik chuckled at his sister with others until Neyonika told her...

"Well Miss little Malhotra if you have forgotten you have to study for your exams!"

Ananya looked at his brother to save her on which he smiled and looked at his mother... as manik opened his mouth Neyonika spoke out looking at him...

"Don't even try! She have to study in the night and in the morning she can join us in the ceremonies!"

Manik looked at his sister who made a crying face... but then Abhimanyu who was sitting beside her wrapped his arm around her shoukder and shook her a bit saying...

"Don't worry little one, I will help you with it!"

Ananya smiled and looked at her brother who smiled back blinking his eyes at her...

"By the way all the reports and editors are here?"

Mukti asked having another morsel and everyone looked at Neyonika's assistant who was standing beside her... the lady just nodded her head before telling them...

"Yes they all are here! Tomorrow I will show them around! And then day after tomorrow will let them know about all the ceremony!"

Everyone nodded while manik that one particular girl and a chuckle let from his mouth on which Abhimanyu frowned looking at his friend smiling and nodding his head in disbelief....


"Oh my God, hahahaha!"

Abhimanyu laughed sitting on the bed beside manik... while manik too chuckled remember that event as he told Abhimanyu...

"She literally shouted on you and you kept looking at her?"

Abhimanyu asked on which manik nodded with a smile saying...

"I was shocked at that moment to even utter a word! No one had talked to me like that before!"

"But she did!"

Abhimanyu said before a chuckle left his mouth and so did manik's.... he went silent for a while before manik spoke....

"She will be embarrassed looking at me as a prince!"

He smiled at the end on which Abhimanyu smiled too but in a different way and then chuckled making manik look at him..


"Nothing! You are thinking about a girl!"

Abhimanyu said and manik rolled his eyes... and asked....

"Don't you think you should go? Its really late!"

Abhimanyu smirked standing up from the bed and saying...

"Of Course you need time to think about that girl!"

Manik nodded in disbelief while Abhi chuckled for the last time before walking out of the room....

Manik laid down on the bed with his hand under his head looking at the ceiling with a soft knock on the door happened before Ananya came inside...


Manik smiled on which Ananya came and laid beside manik placing her head on his chest... manik smiled and hugged her close asking her...

"What happened to my little one?"

Ananya snuggled more to his chest and spoke...

"Bhai was daddy like you too?"

Manik creased Ananya's back and told her...

"You know I was the eldest so i have seen him love us! But when you were born! Daddy was the happiest! You know he was the one who said that you are and will always be the little ans Precious princess of his! He was the happiest to have his little princess!"

Manik heard Ananya's sniff so he creased her back saying...

"My little Princess is a strong girl! So why these tears?"

"I miss daddy! I miss him!"

She looked up at him with teary eyes and manik just kissed her forehead saying...

"We all miss you meri jaan!"

Ananya just hugged his brother tightly before asking him...

"Sing for me bhai! The one daddy used to sing!"

"Sure princess!"

Manik said and started humming the tone while creasing Ananya's head kissing her hair in between before Ananya fall asleep in his arms.... manik just kept hugging her close to him before he too fall asleep...


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