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1 Month Later

The snow was falling on the ground with covering the glass windows making the insides on the house go colder and colder... but the lightening woods in the fireplaces was repelling the cold away from the room...

"Good Morning Princess."

A sweet husky voice rang in the room as the bed got dipped by the weight shifting from the side to the center... his fingers moved to her hair locks putting them behind her ear and earning a beautiful smile...

She opened her eyes to see her lover laying beside her wearing a hoodie due to the cold weather... her smile was still intact making him smile too...


She wispered in ber groggy voice before the duo yet again snuggled to each other to get some more warmth...

"What's the time manik?"

She asked from manik who lazily moved his eye to the wall clock which was behind her and told her...


Nandini opened her eyes looking at him creasing his stubble...

"We should be going, the wedding is in noon."

Manik hmmed nuzzling in her neck making her giggle as her voice rang out loud in the silent room...

"You are my life, you know that?"

He asked lovingly and nandini nodded like a baby before she pecked his lips telling him...

"I know Love."

Manik chuckled as he said looking at nandini who started to get up and looked around at the mess they creasted while watching the movie... the popcorn fight in between the movie was really a mess...

"Its sounds weird, you using all these names for me, when it needs to be other way around."

Nandini smiled at him picking uo the bowl from the floor and told him...

"What can we say? My boyfriend loves to call me Princess so i had to do that."

Manik smiled at her before the duo got freshen up ans wearing there jackets, shoes, caps and gloves walked out of the tree house where a carriage was standing which came to take them back to the castle...

Sitting inside nandini smiled looking at the snow before looking at manik and telling him...

"Next time i want to come us on our own."

Manik who was looking at his mobile holding nandini's hand from the other hand looked at her and gave her a node with a smile making nandini smile wide....


"Good morning mama."

Neyonika listened from her back and turned around to see manik and nandini coming inside the castle... Neyonika sighed with calmness in her heart asking them...

"I asked you two to come sooner."

Manik hugged her from side and told her...

"Don't be tense everything will be done."

Neyonika huffed and looking at nandini hugged her with a smile...

"So had a nice movie marathon?"

His Commoner Princess ✔️Where stories live. Discover now