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The carnival trip felt way to much happy for the trio.... ananya was so happy to have her time with her brother and a new friend... while manik and nandini they felt something different blooming in their heart which made their atmosphere even more happier...

It was almost evening time when ananya and nandini got the last toy from the last stall in the carnival when manik spoke...

"Okay now lets go, it is getting late."

Ananya pouted but then manik dragged her in a side hug... and with the other hand held nandini's hand who gladly gave her hand to manik... and he took the girls outside the carnival... coming to the car ananya jumped on the passenger seat and nandini and manik sat on the back seat....

The ride to the castle was a silent one... and sitting in the car nandini's mind started to work... her mind registered the kiss and then manik's status... she looked on the side to see manik looking out of the window with a smile and his hand was placed on nandini's...

Nandini was not regretting anything... its just her mind was making up the scenarios that anyone would think.... feeling nandini's gaze manik looked at nandini and raised his brows with a smile... a small smile played on her lips and she nodded in no before leaning to the seat and looking out of the car...

Soon enough the car stopped and the duo on the back seat looked at the castle before looking at each other... nandini licked her dry lips before mumbling...


Saying so she took her hand from manik who was just looking at her.... coming out of the car she walked to the mair door of the castle with ananya but as she listened the door of the car getting opened and then closed she looked back from above her shoulder to see manik standing with a smile....

Nandini just took a glance of him with a smiley face and walking inside went to her room... coming inside nandini fell on the bed closing the door... her mind recalled the whole scene and a blush came up on her cheeks... before she sat up on the bed And shouted to herself...

"AHHH! I had my first kiss."

She got stilled for a few second before felling on the bed again and giggled to herself... holding the pillow to her chest she looked at the ceiling for a few minutes before mumbling...

"I just hope there is no problem for us, you are going to be a king, and I have to go back to London in 23 days."

A sigh left her lips with a dull smile on her lips looking up at the ceiling and not removing her gaze from it... suddenly there was a loud knock on the door making nandini sit on the bed before running to open the door...

And there stood alex with his arms fold and his one eyebrow raised up... nandini frowned at him... and al alex did was to push her on a side and coming inside looked her taping his foot... nandini closed the door and literally roared at him...


"What? What?"

Alex asked back making nandini squeez her eyes at him...

"Girl you are in a serious problem, I am telling you!"

Alex said and nandini frowned... looking at her frowns alex told her...

"First of all, a princess asking you to join her in a carnival trip, then you are ignoring my messages, and on top of it you are not picking up your best friend's call who is all ready to pull my hair out of my head."

And alex threw his hand in air... nandini just nodded in disbelief at his drama... well he is like that only but only with a few.. and that few includes nandini as the two are partners from the start of their job...

"Stop over reacting monkey!"

Nandini said un-interestedly and sat on the bed... alex walked to nandini and taking a seat beside her touched his shoulder with her..

"Tell me, what you did at the carnival?"

Nandini smiled and opened her mouth to say something when alex saw a bugs bunny laying on the bed...

"Oh My God, you got a bugs bunny?"

Saying so he picked up the bugs and smiled looking at him... nandini sqeezed her eyes at him but then spoke with a happy tone...

"Take it, I got that for you only, you and your bugs bunny obsession."

Alex looked at nandini with happy eyes...


Nandini nodded her head saying...

"Yes, besides I have this Tom!"

And she showed Alex Tom which was on the floor near the bed... alex smiled widely and hugged his bunny before asking her after a while...

"Wanna eat something?"

Nandini pouted and nodded her head... alex just stood up and said....

"Lets go then"

"But I am tired!"

Nandini pouted at him... alex just rolled his eyes and placing their soft toys on the bed pulled her with him... nandini made a crying face yet she walked with him and soon enough they were outside the castle when alex talked with the watchman and soon they sat in the taxi and alex told the driver about some place to go...


Here on the other side.... manik came back to castle with a beautiful memory in his mind and heart.... ananya and manik directly came to the family room where everyone were sitting...

"Good Evening Family."

Manik greeted taking everyone's attention and then they sat on the couch getting a smile from his family members... manik was sitting beside his granny so he kissed the side of her head getting a weak yet charming smile from her...

"You went to the carnival without me?"

Alya fake cried at ananya as she proudly show her toys to everyone... manik chuckled at alya who started to crib to Neyonika and mukti just came to manik and sat beside him keeping her head on his shoulder...

"What happened?"

Manik asked wrapping his arm around her shoulder... mukti looked at manik and said...

"After 3 days it is dad's birthday."

"I remember that kiddo."

Manik told her on which mukti hmmed and said...

"I want to go to our place where dad used to take us!"

Manik smiled and said...

"Well I won't say anything, but I have a surprise for all of you."

Mukti sat straight and looked at manik who winked her her playfully making mukti pout at him making manik laugh...


I know no manan!
Was supposed to write something else but this is the outcome!
As a filler chapter!
Keeping the target low!
So complete it and take the next update which will have more of MaNan.
Let me know about the update!


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