Twenty Eight:

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Manik kept creasing nandini's hair kissing it again and again as she laid her head on his coller bone with her fingers doodling over his chest and her cheek pressed to him... nandini's eyes went to the window and she spoke in her low voice...

"Its getting colder and colder!"

Manik too looked at the window with his one hand still in her hair and the other on ber hand on his chest...

"Hmm, i think it will be snowing soon"

Nandini just looked up at him with a smile... earning a smile in return nandini stood up holding the extra duvet which was placed on the end of the bed wrapped her arms around her body and walked to the window...

Manik too stood up and slipping in his jeans walked to the fireplace and taking the lighter placed over there lightened the woods... soon enough they were giving the warmth to the room and manik went to nandini...

Hugging her from the back the duo kept looking outside the window until nandini spoke snuggling to manik...

"Right now all i want the time to get still so that I don't have to go back from here, from you!"

She then looked at manik who pecked her lips saying...

"You are going to be there with me forever."

Nandini smiled weakly telling him the reality...

"The cornation will be ending in 8 day!"

Manik hmmed putting away her hair strands behind her ear...

"Don't worry because I will steal you away from everyone for me!"

Nandini chuckled while manik smiled and then picking her up in his arms went to the bed... both laid down on the bed but now nandini was wearing manik's t-shirt because it was a bit loose while her's was a bit tight to sleep in... they kept talking slowly and happily until their eyes gave up and both fall sleep in each other's embrace with the fire giving them the much needed warmth in the increasing cold weather....


Coming back to the castle in the morning manik made nandini stand on the floor from his horse saying...

"Take rest, I got the unannounced meeting orelse I was not going to wake you up!"

Nandini smiled at his gesture and tip toeing pecked his lips...

"I'll be fine!"

Manik smiled at nandini as she walked out of te stable waving at manik... manik ruffled his hair and creased his horse...

"See you soon buddy, have some work so gotta go!"

Smiling at his horse manik walked away to his room to get ready while nandini coming in her room with a smily face went to take a shower for her sore muscles... taking a relaxing bath she looked at herself in the mirror to find herself glowing but what caught her attention was a blue colored mark above her heart...

Placing her hand on it nandini creased the place as the whole night repeated in her mind with a gorgeous smile on her lips... walking out she slipped in her dress and fell on the bed putting her mobile on silent because she needed some sleep...

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