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Same Day, Evening

Manik and Ananya walked to their grandmother's room while talking and smiling... they entered inside the room to see their family was sitting in there including Abhimanyu... manik walked to his Grandmother while Ananya went and sat beside Abhimanyu on the couch...

Sitting beside his grandmother manik side hugged her and kissed her head asking...

"How are you doing?"

His grandmother smiled and creased manik's face with her wrinkled hand...

"When I am with you all, I am all fine!"

Manik smiled and looked at his mother who was sitting in front manik... removing his gaze from Neyonika manik asked...

"Mama said you wanted to talk about something!"

He asked from his grandmother who nodded her head and said looking at mukti and Abhimanyu who were sitting side by side...

"I think it is time for their marriage, it has been 3 years since they got engaged!"

Manik smiled looking up at his sister who looked at Abhimanyu and pouted as he was giving her a teasing smirk...

"Bhai he is teasing me again!"

Mukti complaied to manik with a pout who nodded in disbelief and then asked...

"Have you thought of any date?"

On this Neyonika spoke with a smile...

"We were thinking a month after your crowning ceremony?"

Manik smiled at this and Ananya stood up shouting happily...

"Yes, finally a wedding in the palace!"

Everyone chuckled at this as she pulled alya with her and the duo danced with everyone looking at them with a smile...


Manik was standing in the balcony of his room when the door of the room was knocked bwfore getting opened... looking at his back from above his shoulder manik saw mukti coming towards his bedroom from the living area..


She called manik who smiled a bit before saying...

"I am in the balcony!"

Soon enough mukti came there asking manik...

"What are you doing here bhai?"

Manik smiled at her side hugging her by keeping his hand on mukti's shoulder...

"Nothing much, was gazing the stars!"

Mukti smiled and leaning her head to manik's shoulder looked up in the sky before asking...

"Bhai, do you remember, dad used to tell us the people who go away from thsi world becomes stars ans we used to be so fasinated about that!"

Manik chuckled nodding his head...

"Yes i do, and when you got to know that for the first time your eyes wide and mouth open while looking at the stars with 2 broken teeths!"

Mujti pouted making manik smile... the duo kept standing there for a while before mukti spoke...

"I don't want to go away from you all!"

Manik looked down at his sister who was having tears in her eyes... manik rubbed her arm saying...

"Its going to be fine, Abhimanyu lives a few miles away only, you can come to meet us anytime! Or you don't want to get married?"

Mukti shook her head saying...

"Of course i want to, that stupid fiance of mine it flying high in clouds!"

Manik chuckled at her words and spoke...

"I can imagine that, he was waiting for this announcement for past 5 years, since the time he proposed you!"

Mukti too smiled at manik at this... standing there for a few more second mukti spoke...

"We should be sleeping by now, because my brother is a Prince too and he had so much on his shoulders to take care!"

Manik smiled nodding his head and soon mukti walked away and manik laid down... as he closed his eyes he remembered about that one particular girl who had caught his eye in their first meet only... manik chuckled remembering her and soon fall asleep...


Okay a very short update!
It is like a filler!
So yes don't hate me for that!
Also who want more of MANAN!
Coz in the next chapter there is going to be another beautiful MANAN scene!


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