Twenty Five:

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Next Evening

The whole day weny by with the reporters taking some last minute interviews as only 8 days were left till they go back with their reports for their magazines and channels... nandini and alex were also busy energing the interviews and puctures while checking what needs to be done again for the betterment of the magazine...

"I think we forgot to take interview of Abhimanyu, Manik's friend!"

Nandini said to alex who looked at her and said...

"Well i did that for you, not a professional one but yes!"

Saying so he opened a file in the laptop while nandini was waiting for him to answer about when did that happened... showing the typed interview to nandini Alex spoke...

"Here it is, well 2 days ago when you were having princess mukti's interview i met him and had asked some general question, so yes!"

Nandini read out the made artical and gave alex a high five...

"What about pictures?"

Alex showed her the camera saying...

"Don't worry, ill do that by night!"

Nandini nodded and pulled out her mobile when alex asked making her look at him...

"They haven't announced about their wedding now, so should we talk to them about it or just ask them the question of them being engaged!"

Nandini rolled her tongue inside her mouth before stating out...

"Lets keep it aside for a while, for now lets complete this, i will see if we had to do that!"


And alex got busy in his laptop while nandini opened her mobile to see a message...

"Can you be at the stable? Had to talk about something!"

A smile came on nandini's lips and she turned to alex to tell him but before that he spoke out...

"Go go, i will take the pictures and add it!"

Saying so he raised his eyes and winked at nandini... nodding in disbelief nandini walked out of alex room and came to the back garden to see the sun setting down... she smiled while walking to the stable... the two guards outside the stable opened the door for nandini making her bite her lips as she knew they know her as they see her at the stable a bit more often that to with the prince...

Nandini walked inside to see manik standing by his horse moving his hand on his face...


Nandini voiced out making manik turn... his lips stretched into a smile as he pulled her closer holding her hand... nandini placed her head on manik's chest looking at the horse tucking her hands around his waist... while manik held her close creasing his horse...

After a few moments of silence nandini raised her head looking up at his face...

"What is it?"

Manik just looked down at her for a fee seconds before bending and taking her lips in a beautiful soft kiss... nandini smiled in the kiss and she too kissed him back sucking his lips...

Breaking apart after a min or two manik pecked her lips for one last time before smiling and saying...

"Well there is a place which i wanted to show you!"

Nandini moved her hand to his stubble creasing it...

"Is there something left?"

Manik nodded with the same smike and rubbed his nose with nandin's making her giggle unknown to them mukti was standing at the other door of the stable while was on the back... she just came there to go for riding but she saw manik rubbing his nose with nandini's and the two were giggling and laughing with each other while being in each other's arms...

Mukti smiled at them as for her they were looking the most beautiful couple in the world... glancing at them for one more time she closed the door silently and walked away... manik pulled back and nandini looked at him with a smile asking him...


Manik rolled his tongue in the mouth making faces...nandini rolled her eyes at this...

"That is a surprise!"

"I saw that coming with your those expressions!"

Nandini replied making manik laugh out...

"Okay then, for now i am letting you go, just for now, but at 11 you will meet me here, take some jacket okay?"

Nandini nodded like a child and manik placed his lips on nandini's forehead for a soft kiss...


A short one for now!
But had to write the next chapter with various things that had to come all together!
So that is why!
See you in the next chapter!


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