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The car stopped outside the carnival gate and the guards over there stood straight and as the trio came out of the car they saluted manik who nodded his head lightly with a small smile...

Soon enough the trio were inside with everyone looking at them and bowing at manik who just nodded his head... until they reached the counter from where the announcement were being call out... manik taking the mic spoke...

"Good afternoon everyone, yes it is Prince Manik, but for now you all are here to enjoy just like us, so please don't stop yourself from doing the things just bu the presence of the royals."

Saying so manik passed the mic back to the guy and looked at the two girls... ananya was giggling while nandini was having a big proud kinda smile on her lips.... but she immediately looked away making manik's lips curve in a smirk...

"So where do you want to go first?"

Asked manik from ananya who was looking around and nandini spoke gaining their attention...

"Do you like shooting?"

Ananya jumped excitedly while manik frowned and nandini just held ananya's hand and they walked more into the carnival... stopping at the stall nandini pointed at it and manik and ananya saw the shooting game... it was like you have to stood the cans with the rubber bullets and after hitting 4 you can win a price...

"I will take that pooh!"

Ananya shouted happily as manik put the money on the counter making the guy take it and bow at manik before passing the guns to the two ladies...

"By the way, how do you know about this?"

Ananya asked nandini who told her with a smile...

"Actually i visited this place, remember i told you about those lollipops!"

Ananya made an ohh face and soon the duo got busy in shooting the cand while manik was standing there as a silent spectator but with a sweet smile playing on his lips...

Roaming around for more than half hour and playing alot games the trio were walking in the alley between the stalls to find something more amusing... when Ananya saw a stage setup wherr the little girls were dancing...

"It is so good!"

Saying so Ananya ran on the side... while manik and nandini looked at her... the duo smiled and started to go towards her but at the same time a few kids came there running making manik pull nandini on the side...

And it eventually made her come close to him... his hands on her arm ans waist respectively while nandini's fists holding his jacket tightly duo to the sudden push and pull by the kids and manik...

Looking at the kids going manik's gaze went down on the girl who was teasing his whole existence since she came in his life... nandini's eyes were just on him all the while and it just made manik's heart go crazy... his hand which was on her arm moved up to her face cupping her cheek and nandini's heart beat started to rise so did her girp on his jacket...

Moving forward the duo leaned more to each other... manik bending a bit and nandini standing on her toes... without taking another min and having any other thought they just fused their lips together...

Their lips were sticked to each other's for a few moments before manik parted his lips and pulling her upper lip in between his pair sucking it... nandini felt her heart dropping in her stomach as manik sucked the blood out of her lips... nandini too sticked her lower lip on his lower one and sucked back...

Leaving her lip manik tilted his head in a second and kissed her again sucking her lips... the duo stopped and looked at each other opening their eyes... the spark in their eyes pulled them more close to each other... manik just held her hand in a death grip and pulled her with him and nandini just walked behind him looking at his back...

Coming to the back of the stalls which was next to the wall all manik did was to push nandini to the wall and hovered her... in the next second manik placed his lips on her's holding her from her waist... and nandini, she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close to her....

They opened their lips to let each other devore the insides of their mouth... with sucking their lips to tasting the inside... the touching of their tongues and mingling of their breathes were making their spark and passion grow second by second.... but Alas! The oxygen knocked on the doors making them leave each other's lips...

The heavy breathes and the fast heartbeats were the evidence of the most beautiful moment of their life which they were cherishing with ther eyes closed and a smile on their lips... their smile was telling that there was not a single ounce of guilt...

Finally opening their eyes together manik and nandini looked at each other... the hands still on each other... the smile still intact on their lips... manik let out his last heavy breathe as he said normally but it came out huskily from his lips...

"Never knew that my first kiss will be in the back area of a carnival."

A sudden blush came up on nandini's lips as she pulled her arms from manik's neck placing them on his chest... she looked up at manik again remembering something..


Manik just smiled as her blush was still there on her cheeks... bending a bit manik placed a soft kiss on her hot red cheek... nandini felt way too shy to look at manik.. but then he moved his hands from her waist and held her hand... nandini looked up at manik who just smiled...

passing a smile back at manik, nandini walked behind  him as they walked to the stage where ananya was still standing there looking at the dance which was now happening by another group... unknown to the moment happened between the two who came with her to the carnival...


Did I stretched the kiss scene too much?
Also who was thinking about awkwardness between manan after the kiss?
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