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Nandini was walking in the back garden cursing Alex who was laughing at nandini as she told him about her first encounter with manik... she literally pushed him away who laughed again making her piss at him even more.....

Nandini reached to the pool side of the garden where she saw a little girl holding a bow and arrow while 2 men where setting up the target..... the girl held the bow in position while nandini kept looking at her while taking steps towards her... as soon as the girl left the arrow it went an inch far from the bullseye...


Exclaimed nandini gaining the girl's attention... the girl smile at nandini before nandini asked her...

"You are really good at this!"

The girl smiled telling nandini...

"Manik brother is perfectionist in it!"

Nandini got stilled for a second listening to brother... she then hesitatently asked...

"Amm, are you a princess?"

The girl smiled pulling her hand in front nandini...

"Ananya Malhotra!"

Nandini bite her lips but them smiled and shook her hand with ananya...

"I'm sorry, I didn't knew you are a princess!"

Ananya smiled beautifully at nandini telling her...

"Its okay? Also I don't get alot of people who don't treat me like a princess, sometimes I just want to be a normal human being!"

Nandini smiled at the small girl who told nandini before looking at her and then said...

"How about you forget that I am a princess and we can be normal persons?"

Nandini chuckled at grinning Ananya before saying...

"I would be glad to be with you, and treat you like my friend! But still keeping in mind that you are a princess"

Ananya pouted but then said...


Nandini smiled at her who was looking so pure, beautiful and happy... her aura is so sweet that she was so good with a stranger and immediately asked her to be her friend... nandini smiled at the pure hearted girl When Ananya asked two questions at the same time...

"Are you one of the reporters? Also do you know archery?"

Nandini licked her lips telling ananya...

"Yes, I am from London, and no I don't!"

Ananya smiled and passed nandini the bow and the arrow saying...

"Well everything has a first time!"

Nandini was reluctant but then held the bow and arrow... she stood in front the dart board and Ananya moved to a side...

"Amm okay! How we do this?"

Nandini asked and Ananya giggled before telling her how to hold the bow and arrow... nandini positioned the bow showing it to ananya... but Ananya pouted and was about to say something when the duo listened....

"You need to keep the arrow straight in front your eyes!"

Nandini and Ananya immediately turned to see manik standing a few steps behind nandini... Ananya smiled at her brother while nandini just bite her lips looking away... manik smiled at nandini and taking a few steps to her stood exectly behind nandini....

Nandini looked above her shoulder to see manik who said...

"Let me!"

Saying so he held nandini's hand which was holding the bow while the other went to her othee hand.... leaning more to nandini manik positioned the bow and arrow looking at the bullseye... but nandini was feeling gitters in her whole body.... she could smell his cologne and it was making her intoxicated...

While Ananya she was looking at her brother with a frown but with a smile... her brother was behaving different all of a sudden...

"Look straight in the bullseye before leaving the arrow!"

Nandini came back to the reality and looked in the bullseye holding the arrow... manik looked at nandini moving his head to his right... and looking at nandini looking at the bullseyes he held her hand which was holding the arrow and mumbled near her ear...


And the arrow left from the bow hitting straight in the bullseye... Ananya looked at this and clapped her hands saying...


Nandini too looked at the arrow which was in the bullseye and smiled.... while manik's lips to got streched in a beautiful smile looking the it...

"No one can say you are doing this for the first time!"

Ananya said making nandini push her hair back to her ear... but then Ananya remember...

"Wait! What is your name?"

Manik chuckled while nandini too laughed out before saying...

"Nandini! Nandini Murthy!"

Ananya immediately hugged nandini taking her off guard.... manik smiled at his sister who broke the hug and said to nandini...

"I always wanted to have an Indian friend! Living here in Wales have that disadvantage!"

Nandini smiled and creased Ananya's cheek saying....

"I am glad to have such a cute and beautiful friend!"

Ananya grinned before the duo moved back and nandini looked at manik who was smiling... nandini smiled at this and spoke..

"I should be going, you play with Prince!"

Ananya nodded and nandini smiling at the duo walked away... all this while manik's cologne was still lingeringto her... and it was maing her feel all the unrealist feelings in her body... as nandini reached to the turn she looked back to see manik and Ananya laughing at the did archery together... a smile came up on nandini's lips and then she walked away....


I know I am super late....
but here is the update!
Just realized that writing a KING or PRINCE story is too much hectic from the other!
Don't know why!
Do let me know you views about the update in comments...


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