Thirty Three:

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The team of the five looked at each other standing in mukti's room where mukti said having a sigh...

"We gotta talk to them, Nisha will surely tell this to Jason, i just don't want them to do anything to bhai and nandini."

The other nodded their head and then alya spoke...

"Ananya you are going to be either with bhai or with mom, don't go on spying anyone!"

Mukti and alex nodded while Abhimanyu looked at the look on their faces... and ananya pouted saying...

"Why? It is so fun in doing that! Also bhai is busy with his oath day, what will I do with him?"

"Then just be with mom!"

Mukti said with declaration in her voice and ananya made a bad face... she then turned to alya saying...

"Just keep an eye on the Nisha that she don't get the time to talk to Jason until we get done with the oath day, we will plan something afterwards, bhai is busy with that, i will talk to him, also Alex will have a talk with nandini!"

Alex nodded and said...

"What about Jason?"

"I will handle that!"

Abhimanyu said and earning a node from everyone they walked away with mukti sending a sulking ananya to their mother...


Alex entered nandini's room to see her sitting with the laptop...

"Hey nanz!"

Nandini looked at alex and asked him immediately...

"Where were you? I was calling you!"

Alex huffed and sat on the bed saying..

"Was busy, what is it?"

Nandini looked at the laptop and said...

"Tomorrow is oath day and we need the video camera for that, boss message just came, she want the whole footage."

"Its okay, i have that!"

Alwx assured her and nandini nodded... she again looked at the laptop when alex spoke...

"Was Prince here with you in the night?"

Nandini's eyes went wide as she looked at him...

"Come on, don't give me that look!"

Alex exclaimed and nandini asked...


"Because apparently you guys are making it way to obvious for others."

Nandini frowned with a question just on the tip of the tongue but before it could came out her question was answered....

"Remember Nisha? She saw prince going out from your room!"

Nandini felt her eyes will come out of the sockets as alex nodded after telling her...

"Just keep it safe, for yourself and for him, it can cause your career if tgey use it against you, already there is so much going on, so remember it!"

"What so much?"

Asked nandini after listening to him... alex signed and told her everything..

"Why didn't you tell me about it?"

Asked nandini with a glare and alex said...

"We got in under control until you and prince again tried to make it complicate again for both of you!"

Nandini's glare went away as she asked...

"What will happen now?"

"Nothing, we will see to it, i was not supposed to tell you all this, but still i did, now you gotta keep doing your work, and be careful, also don't tell this to prince, he is already wrapped up with so many things!"

Nandini nodded and alex standing up passed her a smile before walking away while nandini just slumped down on the bed thinking about what alex told her....


Mukti looked at the people going away from manik's office before she entered inside and called manik...


Manik looked up at mukti and passed her a smile...

"Come mukti!"

Mukti walked inside and sitting on the chair she said...

"Do you have time? I need to talk to you for a few minutes."

Manik nodded placing the papers aside... mukti took a breathe and stated...

"Bhai you gotta be careful, you went to nandini's room and anyone could have seen you there, Ananya saw you and she told me."

Manik frowned at her words and mukti immediately justified her words...

"It is not like we don't like it and all, it is just that people over here can do anything to make things bad, and seeing you with nandini will only make things difficult for her, there are only 2 days left for your crowning day, so just be careful till then, for her!"

Manik sighed leanig to the chair and then spoke...

"Ill keep that in mind!"

Mukti passed him a smile and then asked about his oath day speech... and the duo got busy in the talk...


This one seems like a filler chapter!
But it is what it is!
Do let me know!
A few chapters left!


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