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In Morning

Today the castle was in hustle bustle as there was goinb to be a 'ball' for welcome of the family members and the guest who came for the coronation... so the reporters were said to rest until the time they have to get ready for the ball... and even the dresses will be given by the royals...

The thought of joining the ball with the royals was a big thing for the common people like reporters... they were going to join the Royals for a night which is like a cheat day for a person who is on continuous diet...

Well for now nandini was sitting on the bed with her laptop in front her.... her specs resting on her nose as her fingers worked fastly on the keyboard to type the report... while beside her laptop her mobile was turned on with the call and it was showing navya's name on the display with the duration of 17:37 mins....

"So he asked you out then?"

Asked nandini from navya who replied back in a second....

"Of course he did, then he took me to the bar and we had a couple of drinks with him telling me whole lot of things about him along with some jokes."

Nandini hmmed before she asked navya another question...

"You didn't took him to our apartment, did you?"

Nandini could feel navya's smirk as she said...

"Well you know me well babes!"

Nandini rolled her eyes saying...

"I just hope that this guy of yours stays with you!"

And in return all nandini listened was...

"Of course he will, you know he was so good in everything, God! his lips tasted so good and those kisses on my body were to die for, damn I am craving for those feeling again, and when he..."

"Okay okay stop, I am not in a mood to listen to your Oh-So-Good sexual encounter with your new boyfriend!"

Cringed nandini making navya laugh at her... nandini nodded in disbelief and opened her mouth to say something to navya whne there was knock so she spoke...

"There is someone at the door, let me see."

and nandini got up to open the door... there stood alya with a servant behind her...

"Good afternoon princess!"

Nandini greeted alya while bowing who nodded in no saying...

"Nandini don't be this formal, we know each other so this bowing down don't seems nice."

Alya smiled so did nandini after which alya looked at the servant who passed a dress to nandini and alya spoke...

"Here is your dress, we will be waiting for you at the back garden's ball, and Ananya is the one who selected this for her friend."

Nandini smiled at ananya's name and nodded her head... and soon alya walked away with her ever so cheerful mood..... Nandini taking the gown walked inside and sat on the bed... when she heard...

"Was that a princess?"

Nandini looked at the mobile and then said while opened the packet of the dress...

His Commoner Princess ✔️Where stories live. Discover now