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Next Morning

Manik after having a talk with some of his people came out of his office and walked towards his grandmother's room... giving a knock on the door manik pushed the door open and entered inside...

"Good morning lovely!"

Manik's grandmother looked at him with a week but beautiful smile...

"My baby!"

She called manik opening her arms as she was sitting on the bed drinking her tea... manik walked to her with a smile lingering on his lips and sitting beside her side hugged his grandmother... he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead asking her...

"How is my lovely doing?"

His grandmother smiled moving her hand on his chest...

"Was feeling a bit down, maybe wanted to see you so now i am feeling all fine!"

Manik laughed with her hugging her close just then Neyonika came inside... she saw the duo and her lips lifted for a smile...

"So mom, all good now?"

Neyonika asked her mother-in-law who nodded her head creasing manik's chest above his coat... Neyonika smiled and looked at manik asking him...

"I wanted to ask you something!"

Manik gave Neyonika a node asking her to continue... while still hugging his grandmother...

"What do you want to wear on your crowning ceremony?"

Manik haven't thought of it till now so he just told her...

"I don't know, haven't thought of it!"

"It is 6 days away and you haven't thought of it till now?"

His grandmother spoke slapping him on his chest...

"Ow lovely, i didn't got time to think about that!"

manik said making a baby face....Neyonika then spoke out...

"What if i say i have something for you to wear!"

The grandmother and grandson duo looked at Neyonika who told them further...

"It is your dad's outfit which he wore on his crowning ceremony."

Manik gave his mother a weak smile while saying slowly...

"I will wear that only!"

His grandmother moved her hand to manik's face making him look at her and she said to manik with her beautiful smile...

"My baby will look more handsome then his dad looked in that outfit."

Manik chuckled so did Neyonika before manik hugged her close kissing her forehead....


Here after getting up from her slumber nandini was busy adding the yesterday's report in the article which she and alex has edited... she was busy in her work to notice anything so alex just let her be and walked out from there...

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