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Nandini was laughing feeling the air playing with her hair... she slowly pulled out her hands from manik's grip who let her hands go... and nandini opened her arm in the air giggling beautifully while leaning more to manik... manik smiled adoringly while ridding the horse...

as nandini was having her moment manik wrapped his one arm around her waist holding her tightly while his other hand on the paddle of the horse... nandini giggled again until the horse stopped and nandini opened her eyes to look at manik...

Manik smiled and bending a bit kissed her cheek without giving a chance to react or say anything... but after the kiss on her cheek nandini was taken back and kept looking at manik with big eyes...

"Come, we will again have ride!"

Nandini smiled with a slight blush and soon mamik came down who helped nandini to get on her foot... as they stood on the ground nandini looked around to find herself in a beautiful meadow full of mountains, trees, grass, flowers... and the only word left her mouth was....


Manik tied his horse with a nail which was on the ground as it is his usual place to come... he looked at nandini as she spoke and smiled as she looked around...

"What is this place?"

Asked nandini looking at manik... manik walked to her and standing beside her spoke while looking around...

"Its the end of Wales, a few miles away from castle, and no one lives here so this is the most calm and peaceful place."

Nandini just looked around inhaling the scenery in front her eyes when out of no where a lot of beautiful butterflies came up from the flowers flying here and there... nandini with a wide smile ran to them... she just wanted to be herself in this beautiful heaven looking place...

Manik just kept looking at nandini who was laughing and giggling while running around with the butterflies... he just wanted to kept looking at her till his heart get enough of it... but it seems it was not going to done any sooner...

Nandini laughed and ran towards manik as the butterflies came there... as before she could pass manik he held her hand stopping nandini... she looked at her wrist which was in manik's hand and raised her gaze to manik who walked infront her and moved her hand to cup her face...

Their eyes were locked with each other and manik's one hand creasing her cheek... and the other one entwining his fingers with hers...

"You are making me crazy."

Manik said a bit more huskily making nandini's breathe go uneven as the duo yet again clsoed the distance between then without thinking and joined their lips for another beautiful kiss...

Holding each other close from her waist and his neck respectively both manik and nandini took all the time in the world to feel their emotions in the slow kiss... the touching of their lips... the mingling of their breathes... the tongues tasting each other...

it was a slow kiss yet the most romantic one... breaking apart manik moved his hand on her cheek creasing it... and nandini just looked at manik mumbling slowly...

"Is this right?"


Asked manik on which nandini spoke leaning more to his touch which was on her cheek...

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