Thirty Five:

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"They are going to bhai's office at the time of the oath ceremony, we gotta get them there!"

Alya said as soon as she entered mukti's room where she messaged everyone to get.... Abhimanyu looked at the four saying...

"Okay, alex you go and do your work, Ananya you have to stay with manik, and we three will catch them there!"

They all nodded and ran away to get the work done... alex came in nandini's room to see if she is ready but found her laying on the bed...


Alex called her with a frown and walking to her...

"You are not ready? The ceremony will be starting in a while!"

Nandini just huffed and looked at him saying...

"I am not feeling well! Will you be able to pull it off all together?"

Alex's frowns turned into worry as he sat on the bed beside her and asked her...

"What happened?"

Nandini gave him a weak smile and told him...

"Just a headache!"

Alex just held her hand and pressed it saying...

"I will get it done, take rest i will be back after the ceremony!"

Nandini nodded blinking her eyes and then alex walked out.... nandini looked at the closed door and sighed.... taking her mobile she dialed manik's number which got picked after 4 rings....


She heard manik's voice making her smile lightly...

"Hey! So all ready?"

"Yea almost!"

Manik answered and nandini took a breathe saying...

"I wanted to talk to you about something!"

"What is it?"

He questioned and at the same time Neyonika came there to manik saying...

"Lets go manik, its time!"

"Just a min mama! I am coming"

Manik said to Neyonika to talk to nandini who immediately spoke...

"Its okay, go you will be late!"

"See you there!"

Manik said with a smile while nandini spoke slowly...

"I might not be there, having a headache so Alex will be covering the ceremony!"

"What headache! You are fine right?"

Nandini heard the worry in his voice which made hee smile more...

"I am, go!"

"Then ill see you after getting free!"

Manik said and nandini just spoke...


Manik looked at the call which went off... his heart was making him think that the talk nandini wanted to have was something serious... but she stopped herself from saying as he had things to do... taking a breathe he calmed his heart and walked out...


Here at one side manik was standing at the stage taking the oath with ananya and Neyonika with their grandmother by his side... while the reporters were covering the ceremony... alex had attached the camera on he stand and was clicking pictures...

On the other side nandini was having a fight within her heart and mind with a few tears came up in her eyes before she got hold on her emotions and thinking about something she finally made a decision and smiled over it...

Lastly in manik's office Jason and Nisha entered inside and Nisha asked him...

"So where can be the files?"

"That we have to find!"

Jason said taking step ahead to the table while Nisha threw her hand in the air stating...

"You realise we have only some minutes to look for it!"

Jason looked at her after stopping searching in the drawer...

"That is why we have to hurry!"

Nisha rolled her eyes as his tone and went to the huge book shelfs drawers to look at it... they were moving from one place to the other looking for the file when Jason exclaimed...

"Where the hell he have put the file!"

"May be here!"

The voice made the two starled and the turned in an instant and found alya, mukti and Abhimanyu standing there with Abhimanyu having a file in his hand....

Jason and Nisha looked at each other when Mukti spoke...

"I knew you two are jerks but can stoop so low was a bit too much!"

"You thought no one will know about you plan against bhai?"

Alya asked after mukti completed with anger on her face... Abhimanyu looked at mukti saying...

"Call the guard they need to be in the dungeon for a whilr till thr crowning ceremony can be done!"

"No, it was his plan, i was just helping him!"

Nisha spoke immediately thinking about the dungeon and the punishment... Jason looked at her with wide eyes while alya spoke...

"Don't bother yourself, i saw you two in your extreme conditions!"

Nisha was shocked so did Jason... but befkre they could say anything the guards came there when Jason spoke...

"You are forgetting that i am your cousin and my parents are here only!"

Mukti rolled her eyes and said...

"Be thankful that I haven't slapped you till now, and about your parents they should know about your deeds which we have already recorded!"

Nisha and Jason were actually scared because it can cost them their reputation being expoiled... they have thought about the pros but forgot about the cons of their doings... and soon enough their were taken to the dungeon with nisha wiggling and pleading for letting her go... but Jason was not saying a word because he knew they have caught him red heanded and nothing can be done now... she should have thought about a plan to escape from all this....


Stopping too soon I guess!
But that's it for today!
See you all in the next chapter!
More the comments and i can give double updates!
Waiting for the reviews!
Also what will be nandini's decision?


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