Twenty Seven:

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In the treehouse manik showed nandini around before taking her to his room saying...

"And this is my room!"

Nandini entered inside.... manik turned on the light and nandini looked around to see manik's baby pictures all around the room... some with his father... some with his mother.... some baby pictures.... some with his sisters and some family ones...

Walking closer to the pictures nandini's lips got into a smile as she creased the pictures...

"You are looking so cute over here!"

In return manik chuckled at nandini who then walked to the wall were all the medals and trophies were placed on the racks...

"You won the Archery competition?"

Asked nandini looking at manik who spoke walking to her...

"Well you hit the bulls eye at the first attempt as i taught you!"

Nandini nodded in disbelief as she ran her hand on the things before sitting on the bed and holding the family frame from the side table... Manik followed her and sat beside nandini...

"You are same like your father!"

Manik kept looking at the frame with a weak smile... nandini looked at manik's smile and leaned to his shoulder holding his arm... still looking up at him...

"You really miss him don't you?"

Manik huffed a breathe placing his head over nandini's and creased the picture saying...

"Alot, he always has been there for me even before i could voice out anything, my fears, my happiness, my sadness, every time he has been my shield!"

Nandini hmmed just looking at the picture when manik asked placing his hand over hers which was holding his arm...

"You too miss them, no?"

Manik looked down at nandini who too raised her eyes at him and nodded her head slightly...

"I do but the thing is, I don't even have too much things to remember about them!"

Manik held her chin with his other hand and rubbed his thumb on her jaw bone...

"Still you are so awsome that your parents must be feeling proud looking at you up from the sky!"

Nandini smiled weakly with water in her eyes...

"You are bringing a new me out manik, I don't know if i have ever talked to anyone about my parents."

Manik smiled pecking her lips...

"I am really glad listening to it, I am glad you are telling me trusting me this much to show me this side of yours!"

Nandini smiled again asking him ever so cutely...

"Can i kiss you?"

Manik's smile turned into a smirk as he placed the photo frame on the side table mumbling...

"I'm all your baby!"

Nandini giggled and holding his jacket pulled manik closer and they attached their lips felling on the bed.. they were still smiling in the kiss and their hands creasing his neck and her cheek...

"God, you are exploiting my mind."

Breaking the kiss manik exclaimed... Nandini giggled asking...


Manik fell on the bed beside nandini turning his face to her... while nandini turned to manik raising her brows...

"You are making me think about all the things i can do with you!"

Nandini's face got flushed a bit and manik smiled at it... looking up at manik's eyes nandini creased his chin...

"So it is a good thing or a bad thing?"

Manik huffed a deep breathe saying...

"Don't look at me like that, I won't be able to control myself!"

Nandini smiled a bit with the same blush... both kept looking at each other before manik stood up mumbling....

"Fuck it!"

And taking out his jacket manik threw it in a corner and then hovered nandini holding her hand above her head and kissed her hardly that nandini could feel her toes curled inside her shoes...

Manik turned around taking nandini above him and holding her jacket from her coller pulled it out and threw it on the floor... while nandini broke the kiss keeping her hand on manik's shoulder and looked at him with her beautiful smile...


Manik asked with a frown... nandini nodded in no with the same smile and placed her lips on manik's jaw giving soft kisses... her hand moved to hem of manik's shirt and she pulled back sitting on his legs...

Manik opened his eyes and sat up holding her on his legs... nandini pulled out his shirt and threw it on the floor before her hands moved to his chest from his shoulders till his stomach... her eyes moved along with her hand... as her hands stopped nandini looked up at manik who was looking at her with some different kind of emotion which nandini could not voice out...

While manik's eyes were locked with hers he held the hem of her shirt and pulling it out threw it away... her hair got messed up and his fingers worked perfectly removing them from her face before moving ahead and started to give sweet pepper kisses on her neck till her shoulder pushing down her bra strap...

Nandini's breathes turned heavy with his every kiss until manik literally threw her on the bed... nandini immediately opened her eyes looking at manik who just held her feet and pulled out her white sneakers from her feet letting them fell on the floor beside the bed before manik hovered her kissing every inch of her neck... nandini's fingers got indulged in his hair as her lips parted to let out a soft moan of his name...


Manik smiled in between the kiss but didn't stopped till he reached her bossoms and looking up at her pulled down the other strap of her bra moved his hand's on her back from under her... as the hooks got untangled nandini looked down at manik... manik pulled back his hands but didn't removed the last piece from her upper body...

"I know I can't rule over anyone, but you Nandini, you are mine wholly, I can't rule over you either but I am going to keep you with me so that i can be sane, because you are become my sanity, my happiness, my whole life."

Nandini felt her heart skipping a beat as she listened to his husky voice... her throat couldn't make a single voice but her eyes were telling manik that she is already his... and without wasting a second manik joined their lips for a last kiss before their remaining piece of clothes fell on the floor decorating it and manik hovering her under the duvet as the cold didn't affected them a bit because their souls and bodies were providing the warmth to each other...

"I'm yours and you are mine only!"

Nandini wispered in his ear as he joined their bodies... their lips were smiling even though their bodies felt pain down there... their hearts were happy with their union and they just MADE LOVE with each other till they were happy and filled their hearts with each other's warmth...


Was thinking to write a romantic scene!
But it turned out like this!
Hope you liked it!
Not a proper confession with the 3 words!
But those words were sounding really good to me!
See you all soon in the next chapters!



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