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Next Morning

Nandini groaned yet again in the day after getting up as she looked at the mobile with a glare...

"I swear navya I will kill you and won't even regret it!"

Shouted nandini as she ran towards the front area of the castle as today it was a welcome of a few relatives of the Malhotora's and sone more deligates... and nandini got late just because of navya's cribbing as she was have her period mood swings... nandini for a minute questioned herself that how navya ended being her best friend...

"Nandu, I am your best friend!"

Nandini rolled her eye as she stated...

"Yes, a best friend who is making me late for the work, that witch boss of yous is going to kick my ass if I won't give her the details by night, so pack up this mood swings drama of yours."

And nandini ended the call mumbling something looking at the mobile unknown to the person who was coming from front... and DASHHH.... nandini hit her head with the person closing her eyes letting out a shrill...


As nandini spoke the peron asked with worried eyes...

"Hey, are you okay?"

And that was when nandini looked up at the person and immediately a smile came up on her lips as she saw manik's worry for her...

And manik he immediately cupped her face and rubbed her forehead... but as he did nandini looked around to find them in the main hall so she held manik's hand from her forehead saying...

"I am fine!"

Manik looked at her with unsure eyes on which nandini blinked and manik moved her hand from her face but held her hand ever so softly...

"Look while walking, you can get hurt!"

Nandini nodded but then remembered and her pupils widened as she said loudly...

"Shit, i am getting late, Bye!"

And she ran away to the main door making manik laugh at her... manik kept looking at her retiring figure till a soilder came there and spoke bowing down...

"Your highness, queen is calling you outside, the guests have started to come."

Nodding her ehad manik walked out with the soilder behind him... soon enough he stood on the stairs of the castle with her and saw the cars arriving... the people came down from the cars and met the family before they were taken inside.... manik too followed his famiky inside after welcoming everyone but not before taking a look of nandini who was talking to alex about something....


In evening

After all the family's of the guests were settled down after having the lunch with the family of malhotra's manik walked out from there and came to the back garden to go to his stable... but as he came to the back garden he saw nandini sitting on the grass under a tree with a laptop on her lap...

A smile came up on manik's lips just by her presence and he walked to her... standing infront her manik spoke...


Nandini got starled for a second and looked up to see manik... she smiled at him and said with an unsure tone...


Manik bite his lower lip asking...


"Kind of, had to make a report. And the weather seemed good so came here."

Nandini said while closing the laptop... after that she stood up in front manik so he asked...

"So are you done or not?"

Nandini frowned at this making manik chuckle... manik looked at the gardener and then at nandini... he took nandini's laptop from her who gave it but with a frown... then manik called the gardener who came there running...

"Give this to the person in room number 5."

The gardener nodded and went away that was when nandini asked...

"Why you send that to alex?"

Manik looked at her placing his hand infront her...

"Want to come?"

Nandini just looked around before placing her hand on manik's... manik smiled holding her hand in a soft yet firm grip and took nandini to the stable... the two guards in the stable bowed in front manik before moving back... and manik entered inside with nandini...

As manik's horse saw him he neighed and nandini just held manik jacket from behind... manik looked at her from above his shoulder and said...

"Relax, he is happy to see me that's all."

Nandini looked at manik's smiling face and nodded... she stood beside him holding his hand tightly...

"Have you ever ride a horse?"

Asked manik and nandini nodded in no... manik smiled continuing his question...

"Want to ride?"

Nandini's eyes widened... manik laughed at her expression before telling her...

"I will be there with you!"

A sweet smile appeared on her lips and she said a small okay... manik too smiled before he took his hand from her and patted his horse saying...

"Hey bud, want to go for a ride?"

The horse neighed and manik looked at nandini before looking back at the horse and patting his neck again...

"Okay, but today we have a someone with us."

Nandini smiled at manik's words... manik took the hourse out from his area and came to nandini... nandini moved a bit back but then manik held her hand and said..


And he helped nandini to sit in his horse... nandini was still unsure to touch the horse but manik placed her hand on the horse neck... eventually nandini smiled feeling the soft hair...before manik too sat on the horse with his front touch nandini's back perfectly...

Nandini looked above her shoulder to see manik already looking at her... her eyes wnt to his thin lips ans she just wanted them to kiss again... but then a blush came in her lips and she looked down at the horse... manik saw the blush and smiled...

"So shall we?"

Asked manik and nandini nodded now excitedly... manik held nandini's hand and mumbled to her...

"Hold the paddle tightly with me!"

And the duo held it tightly together and soon manik gave a push to the horse who started to walk out of the stable... the horse walked in a good pace until they reached an open area and then manik made the horse run fastly... nandini giggled feeling the air on her face... her hair flowing on her back and some strands felling on manik's lips who gave a damn about it amd was enjoying the ride and nandini's happy face...


I know i stop at 1000 words...
Idk y i do that!
But yes this is the update!
Who want some manan tiny winy romance?
Or is it too early for it?
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