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It was Malfoy walking into the Common Room.

As he proceeded towards me, I had just enough time to check if Sirius had vanished from the fireplace before I rose to my feet.

"Is Crabbe keeping you awake again?" I asked as he approached me.

"Yeah." He sighed, his gaze sweeping over me, taking in my attire of an oversized sweatshirt, shorts, and socks.

Malfoy wore a sweatshirt too, paired with plaid pants. His hair was tousled, and he looked rather drowsy.

"What about you, eh?" He asked.

"Same, can't sleep." I replied, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"So, what's your day been like, apart from getting you and your twin in detention?" He asked, sinking into a seat on the leather sofa near the fireplace. "I haven't seen you around all day."

"As a matter of fact, I took over my brother's detention." I explained as I sat down, maintaining a reasonable distance between us, however, just as I settled, Malfoy tugged me closer to him.

"Interesting." He mused, his tone suggestive.

"And what about my day?" I continued, pulling my knees up to rest against him. "I got called a snake by Ron, hexed Crabbe, saw dragons with Harry, and had a chat with Sirius. You know, the usual." I added sarcastically, fully aware that Malfoy wouldn't believe half of it.

I still intended to share the Sirius part with Malfoy, so I wasn't keeping that from him.

He regarded me with a slight furrow in his brows. "You're quite the mysterious witch sometimes, you know that?" He said, reaching up to hold my chin.

His gaze lingered for a long moment on my nose, on the small scar that I usually concealed with makeup.

I wasn't particularly bothered by the scar, but it had an unsightly colour, especially during the initial months of healing. Werewolf-inflicted wounds teemed with bacteria, so they took time to heal properly.

"Malfoy, can I ask you something?" I spoke seriously, moving his hand away from my face and allowing our hands to rest on my thighs.

"What is it?" He asked, eyeing my face.

"Do you know anything about Igor Karkaroff's past as a Death Eater?" I asked, my voice serious.

Malfoy blinked at me, his eyebrows furrowing. "Where's that coming from?"

"I know you probably don't care, but my brother's name in the Goblet of Fire is malice." I explained, maintaining eye contact.

He took a moment to process my words, shifting slightly in his seat before responding.

"From what I know, Karkaroff was captured with a bunch of other Death Eaters after You-Know-Who's downfall. Unlike most, who are still rotting in Azkaban, he didn't stay there long, he turned informant during his trial and switched sides."

A brief silence hung between us as I absorbed the information. His explanation was concise yet enlightening, reminding me of how little I truly knew about the events of the First Wizarding War.

Though, I wasn't sure if I wanted to delve too deeply into those details, especially considering the tragic parts that impacted Neville...

"Do you believe Karkaroff is trustworthy now?" I wondered aloud.

"The Death Eaters wouldn't want him back if he were to rejoin them. He betrayed them, Potter. Like I said, he submitted names, a lot of them, even the most unbelievable ones."

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