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"Remember always to study what colour a brew turns into after each step. Snape always has a question like that on his tests and you win many points with it." I evoked Neville, pointing to the recipe in the textbook on how to brew a Draught of Peace.

Ever since the Gryffindor asked me to be his tutor for Potions, we have been meeting in the Library once a week, sometimes twice if there's a test coming up.

The brunette sighed, running a downhearted hand through his hair, "I'm very bad at memorising things, you know." He said in his northern-England accent, "Sometimes, I can't even remember the password to get inside the Gryffindor Common Room."

"Er–" I looked at Neville, thoughtfully, trying to come up with something, "Oh, what about a mnemonic?" I suggested.

He peered at me, doubtfully, "Perhaps," He shrugged, "I never really tried it like that."

"All right, let's take the colours after the seven first steps of Draught of Peace, the first part: green, blue, purple, pink, turquoise, purple and red." I scribbled those colours down on a piece of parchment and the colours were leaving my mouth.

After a minute, I came up with a mnemonic.

"Gryffindor, green — brews, blue — poisonous, purple — potions, pink — to, turquoise — poison, purple — Ron, red." I said, "And keep in mind that a brew can only turn pink after it has turned purple. Always." I slid the parchment under his nose.

"Gryffindor brews poisonous potions to poison Ron." Neville read out loud before he looked up at me with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Ron doesn't have to know." I deadpanned.

"Green, blue, purple, pink, turquoise, purple, red. I think this might work." He said happily.

"I'm glad to hear that." I smiled, a little too loud causing Madam Pince to shush me. I swear that woman has ears everywhere in here and we sat about 56 rows (filled with thick books) away from her.

With that, we closed our Potions textbooks and inkwells, placed our quills in their cases and put everything in our bags to subsequently leave the Library.

"When do you want to meet next week?" I asked once we came to the point in the castle where our ways separated.

"P-preferably the day before the test, Tuesday," Neville said, "Five o'clock?"

"Five o'clock." I confirmed, nodding.

"Perfect." He smiled shyly, "Thank you again, by the way."

"You're welcome." I said in a mild voice before I went on.

As I was making my way to the end of the Entrance Hall where the door, that leads to the Slytherin Dungeons, is located, a sound echoed in my ears. A certain friction, something soft being dragged along the ground.

Then, after I closed the door behind me and descended the staircase, the door opened again itself and closed itself as well.

I huffed to myself, putting it off my mind and making myself remember I was walking around in a school of magic and this was not weird to happen.

Coming to the end of the stairs, Snape came around the corner.

"What mark did you get on your Transfiguration test?" He asked coldly.

Snape secretly cares about education but that's also the only thing he cares about.

"Dreadful." I answered awkwardly

"Congratulations." He drawled sarcastically.

"I come from Troll." I said in defence, trying to be positive unlike him.

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