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If I knew Malfoy and I would be doomed with the Curse of Silence when we first set foot in the countless hallowed corridors of Hogwarts on the first of September, I would've never entered the castle.

But regrettably, we did.

Usually, I would joyfully share every thought crossing my mind and have him listen attentively, but with this curse, it seemed that the very walls of Hogwarts conspired against us, trapping us in a world of mute isolation.

We could talk to each other whenever we wanted, however, but any attempt to breach the boundaries of our limited conversation led to bitter arguments.

I found myself content in the quiet moments we shared.

As now, as we were strolling through the quaint and charming village of Hogsmeade. The cobblestone streets were lined with charming shops and cosy cafes, each one beckoning us to come closer and explore. The sweet scent of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, tempting us to indulge in a sweet treat.

Malfoy and I lagged behind our fellow boisterous dormmates. The sound of their lively chatter filled the air and mixed in with that of other students, but we were content to take in the sights and sounds of our surroundings more leisurely.

His hand was there, swaying gently with each step he took, hanging lonely and limply by his side—the brisk air of early autumn hitting the pale skin.

In a perfect world, I'd have his hand holding mine right now.

But we were currently not living in a perfect world, and waiting to be in one wasn't very I will fight for us from me.

I hesitated for a moment, scared of how it might turn out and unsure if it was appropriate to do so.

But then I remembered how heartening it felt to give some of my warmth to him.

I gazed up at him as I took his hand.

He was caught off guard and drew his hand away as he met my eyes.

"Sorry, I thought–"

I cut myself off when his eyes dropped to my hand and he held it.

Then his eyes flicked back to my grinning-stupidly face.

"Don't do that." He said in a stone voice which didn't match the small smile on his lips.

"Why not?"

"It's foul." He said, but the way the soft pad of his thumb rubbed my hand belied his words.

"Miss Potter, everything all right?" A heavy man's voice came.

Instantly, Malfoy let go of my hand and recognised the voice from Dawlish the Auror before I had.

I started boiling with frustration. We were not given even a single second of peace with one another.

"Yes." I said curtly but Dawlish was undisturbed by the tone seeing as he works with the darkest of witches and wizards.

The man then moved closer to Malfoy as cocked his head and haughtily lifted his chin. "Of all people you make yourself Miss Potter's company. What's behind that, Malfoy?"

"What are you insinuating?" I frowned as I moved in front of Malfoy.

"Like father, like son." Dawlish said,  gazing over me at Malfoy.

"Draco's not like his father." I said at once, glaring at him.

"I'll go with the benefit of the doubt for today then." Dawlish said suspiciously. "But I'll keep an eye on you, Malfoy."

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