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Once we had arrived at Platform Nine and Three Quarters, I let out a deep relieved-with-mixed-feelings sigh.

All too soon, the summer which contained trying to eavesdrop on the meetings from the Order, eating pistachio-flavoured ice cream, listening to Sirius telling us stories about mostly our father and just in general amusing stories from his time at Hogwarts and designing packages for Fred and George their little and hidden from their mum business (I designed the packaging of Feathery Flamingo Flame Fuzzer, Chomb-A-Chameleon and Repeating Rabbit) ended.

Then there were two days, I went along with Nymphadora to the House of Tonks to celebrate Andromeda (Lyra's and Nymphadora's mother) her birthday.

In those two days, Lyra also randomly gave me a haircut because it was getting too long and my ability to make it look somewhat decent was slowly fading away.

Speaking of...

Nymphadora knew I was going to want to tell Lyra everything about the Order and its plans so she informed Lyra herself to the greatest extent possible with the Order's permission for which I thank her because that's since then no longer something I have to worry about and bother myself with.

The rest of my days were filled with brewing Wolfsbane Potion for my godfather.

Of course, we could also buy it ready-made in the apothecary in Diagon Alley but that's even more expensive than the ingredients themselves.

That's because they only think about making a profit and don't actually care about people with the disease lycanthropy.

But I can't care which perhaps sounds very selfish toward other people besides Remus with the disease because I have been doing some research and experimenting with brewing the cure. I've my own version of Wolfsbane Potion now which, according to Remus' own experience, works even better than if the standard recipe had been followed when making the potion.

My secret is to add more Black Quicksilver than the standard recipe asks.

So expensive but Remus was worth it. So worth it.

And so time after time he would join me in this little room on the fourth floor in the ancestral home of the Black family that was dedicated to me where I could brew Wolfsbane Potion during my stay there.

Those must've been the best moments of the summer; Remus and me, talking about my parents, someone listening to me, keeping me company, making me feel carefree, simply just Remus being my godfather like my mum would've wanted him to.

They were the best moments for a reason. It gave me peace of mind which was a luxury in those three weeks at Grimmauld place 12.

The dusty house was a breeding ground for frustrations. There were so many frustrations. Especially with each other. Sirius has had endless arguments with a number of people in the house or those who occasionally visited.

Sirius may not be prisoned in Azkaban anymore but he's no free man, not living the life of a free man either. The only way I see him possibly living his life again is if everybody is obliviated of the memory of him being this so-called mass murdered.

Whenever Snape would come around, even if it was only for five minutes, the house trembled with Sirius' shouting. And if he wasn't taking it out on Snape, it was on Mrs Weasley, or his mother's talking portrait, Kreecher, Mundungus Fletcher (another member of the Order of the Phoenix),...

And Sirius's - understandable - behaviour was understood by some very well and by some not at all...The Golden Trio had different opinions on Sirius which had gotten into an argument and eventually they didn't talk to one another for a day.

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