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Draco looked so calm and collected that it invoked a certain fear within me, as though his outwardly unwavering demeanour masked something far more tumultuous and chaotic brewing beneath the surface, something that I may never fully understand or come to grips with.

"Are you okay?"

But my words fell on deaf ears, and he threw the flask against the emerald wall, shattering it into a million tiny pieces

Hope could be a cruel mistress and it lured Draco in with the promise of an easier way to defeat Voldemort, a better future, a brighter tomorrow but left him stranded in the present, lining for something that might never come.

My heart was racing as I involuntarily reacted to the sound of the shattering glass, while Draco, abruptly turned on his heel to leave the bathroom with an air of frustration and anger.

"Draco?" I uttered in a small voice.

But he didn't turn back, didn't even acknowledge my presence as he stormed out of the bathroom, leaving me standing there alone with the memory of a conversation between Professor Slughorn and Tom Riddle that would haunt me for months to come.

I sprinted after him, my feet pounding against the floor.

"Draco, please," I pleaded as I watched his tall figure taking long strides carrying him further away from me with every passing second.

He didn't slow down, didn't even turn his head.

"You said we were in this together!" I called after him, my voice breaking as tears pricked my eyes.

He halted, his back still facing me.

I took a deep breath before walking over to him. As I got closer, I could see the tension in his shoulders, the way his fists were clenched at his sides.

I circled around him, studying his face for any sign of emotion. But his expression remained blank, giving nothing away.

"Don't do this, please." I said softly.

He didn't respond, let my words for what they were. But I persisted, stepping closer until I was standing directly in front of him.

"I know you're hurting but I'm here for you." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Finally, he looked at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and longing.

For a moment, I thought he might say something or reach out and take me in his arms, but his shoulders slumped in defeat as he walked over to a vertical indentation constructed within the wall on our left, resembling a window with a pointed arch, and sat down in it.

I followed him like a leaf floating on a gentle breeze and stood between his manspreading legs, silently hoping that my presence would be enough to soothe his troubled soul while my mind was racing with thoughts of how to bring back the light to his eyes.

"I can't do this, Amelia." He muttered, shaking his head.

"What?" I asked lowly, cupping the corners of his jaw caringly.

"What the memory said...It's hopeless. We're never going to be able to find them. The Horcruxes. All seven of them, they could be anywhere."

I slightly raised his face, my mind surprisingly working well at the very moment. "The Dark Lord still carries his own soul, part of it at least so if he succeeded, there are six Horcurxes but I think maybe one is already destroyed...You said your father was told by the Dark Lord to protect his diary with his life, right?"

"Tom Riddle's diary?" He blinked once, his tone unenthusiastic.

"Yes," I nodded. "I wasn't there when it happened but Harry told me the whole story about the Chamber of Secrets and what happened in there...it was apparently beyond some ordinary magic."

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