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I was never one to linger around after class and certainly not with a new teacher (with the exception of Remus as Professor Lupin), but Professor Slughorn's mention of my mother held me there as the other students trickled out of the dungeon-like classroom one by one.

"Excuse me, sir?" I said, approaching his desk and trying to sound casual.

"Ah, Miss Potter, what can I help you with?" He asked, smiling.

"You knew Lily...my mum?"

Slughorn's expression became momentarily soft. "Yes, I did. Lily was one of my brightest and most talented students. A true gem, she was. And as I said a moment ago, you clearly got her talent for Potions."

Rapidly, I became eager to hear more. "What was she like?"

"Oh, she had a fierce intelligence and a quick wit, and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind but she also had a heart of gold. She cared deeply about her friends and was always willing to lend a helping hand."

My thoughts wandered and the words tumbled out of my lips before I could stop myself. "I wish I could have known her."

A sombre vibe washed over him. "Yes, it's a tragedy what happened to Lily...lovely Lily, and James too, of course. They were two of the brightest stars in the Wizarding World, snuffed out far too soon."

I nodded, lost in my thoughts as I stared at him.

"You've got your mother's eyes." He said silently, returning the stare.

Then he cleared his throat. "Now, if you don't mind, Amelia. It was great to meet you, and I'm already looking forward to the upcoming Potions classes with you present but I have to get back to work. If you want, you can close the door behind you."

"Of course, Professor." I nodded, sending him a friendly smile.

I had a free period now and weirdly enough I was going to use it to go talk to Dumbledore. I needed to. There was something odd concerning Professor Slughorn.

Unexpectedly, outside the classroom, Malfoy stood there, waiting.

"Teacher's pet." He mocked.

"You've been the previous Potions Master's pet long enough, don't you think?" I scoffed.

"For a fair reason, Ministry's darling." He said sardonically.

"Don't call me that." I said at once.

"I call you whatever I want." He shrugged.

"It annoys me." I said, indicating the nickname.

"You annoy me."

"I hate you."

"As you should."

"You confuse me." I frowned. I bet if he went to see a Muggle doctor they would diagnose him with bipolar disorder and I was already struggling to keep up with it.

"I gathered that." He said proudly.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I wondered, leaning on one hip.

"How could you say that in front of all those people?" He asked softly, taking a step closer.

"What?" I blinked once, instinctively stepping back.

"What you smelled in the Amortentia."

"I wanted you to know." I said truly.

"You should've lied." He took another step forward.

"Why?" I took another step backwards.

"Just take my word for it."

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