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We fell from about twenty feet into another room. Yet, mysteriously we landed rather softly and didn't feel the impact from the fall — explaining why this is called the Department of Mysteries.

Climbing to my feet, I noticed that the prophecy Harry had clutched in his hand was still miraculously unbroken in his hand.

As in the Hall of Prophecies, this room was frigid

The room was large and had a square form. It resembled the courtroom Harry's hearing was in. It was dimly lit, with stone tiers leading down to a pit in the centre. In the pit was a dais upon which stood a very old-looking stone archway with a tattered black curtain hanging from it, a veil which despite the complete stillness of the cold surrounding air was fluttering very slightly as though it had just been touched.

While I lit my wand and my eyes roamed the space to search for a way to leave this place, Harry was fascinated and drawn to the veil.

"Amelia, what are you saying?" Harry asked, his voice echoing loudly in the room.

I turned around. "I'm not saying anything."

"Oh, sorry. It's Ron."

"I'm not saying anything either, mate." Ron said at once.

"Neville then?"

Neville shook his head.

"But, the voices...?" Harry said, staring at the veil.

"There aren't any voices, Harry." Hermione said matter-of-factly. "Let's get out of here."

"I can hear them too." Luna said, gazing at the swaying veil.

"Yes, okay! We need to leave." I sighed with frustration.

"Harry, come on. It's just an empty archway." Hermione said in the same tone as me.

I gasped when I felt something brushing against my shoulder but it turned out to be Ginny standing very close to me.

Sorry, she mouthed, looking frightened.

"Please, Harry—"

Hermione's voice was the last thing I heard before the room rang with the Death Eater's laughter and my vision was blurred by black smoke.

Grunting, shrieking and shouting sounded in my ears as I was chaotically and ruthlessly dragged in all directions.

I opened my eyes again after shutting them tightly when it stopped and I felt the ground beneath my feet.

Harry appeared in my vision, holding the glowing glass sphere and looking back and forth between me and something above my head.

Rapidly, I came to the realisation that I was pressed with my back against someone and with a firm grip a cold hand was holding my throat.

While the person his other hand, gripped his wand firmly and had it pointed directly at my brother.

Around me, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Ron and Neville all looked in the same position as me, being held by a Death Eater with either a wand pointing at their face or an arm tightly wrapped around their neck.

The man behind me chuckled darkly. "Did you actually believe, or are you truly as naive as your sister to think that children stood a chance against us?" Malfoy drawled. "Now, I'll make this simple for you. Give me the prophecy or watch your friends and twin sister die, and I'll start with her. That's a promise."

If Draco's father was as serious about his promises as Draco himself was then—

I swallowed thickly as my breathing became heavier in a hyperventilating way.

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