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My nose was scrunched up in utter disgust as I made my way towards the sink. The pungent stench of dragon liver and other foul ingredients we used in today's Potions lesson clung to my hands like a stubborn leech, refusing to let go.

I let the tap run and lathered my hands up in an excessive amount of soap as Malfoy joined me at the sink and covered his hands in an almost equal amount of soap as me.

My mouth broke into a small smile as I looked up at him and he looked down at me, smiling thin-lipped too.

There's no word to describe the current state of affairs between us right now.

Halloween was two weeks ago and since then, it's been relatively calm between us.

He would ask if he could apply the paste, that Madam Pomfrey made, each evening to my neck.

Every evening, he would approach me with the request to apply the paste that Madam Pomfrey had prepared onto my neck when I left for my dorm.

The next morning during breakfast he would purposefully take a seat next to me and ask how much it still hurt.

He was never at lunch.

During dinner, he joined me again and either if it was just the two of us alone or together with a couple of our dormmates, he would sit next to me and not as many seats away from me as possible.

Up to this day, we haven't engaged in a heated argument, nor have we ever exchanged a single dirty look or anything along those lines.

In fact, our relationship has been rather understanding but without many words.

But the latter was fine.

Deeds counted more than words which was a double thought but the truth.

Though, often, I noticed an unmistakable air of tension that seemed to cling to him like a second skin. His eyebrows would furrow ever so slightly, his jaw would clench just a touch too tightly and his eyes would dart about frenziedly.

I have a long journey ahead of me if I want to figure out what is playing in his mind but I think his mother gave me a shortcut.

Either way, Malfoy and I are stuck.

It was, before what happened, already up to me to make the first move but Malfoy, in principle, had the option to do that too.

Now, however, I was completely in charge of what was happening between us and it put me to thinking.

What if I make that first step sooner or later despite what happened?

Perhaps our paths were not meant to cross in a warmhearted way, especially after what occurred between us these last months. However, it's undeniable and difficult to not notice that every time we do interact in such a manner, something truly magical happens.

It's as if a beautiful flower blooms before our eyes, filling the air with its sweet fragrance and captivating our hearts with its stunning beauty.

Flowers wither though.

But then it's up to both of us to plant the seeds of warmth and kindness once more, watching as they grow and flourish into something even more breathtaking than before.

A romantic relationship—that's it.

"Excuse me," Harry's voice came dryly as he wriggled himself between Malfoy and me.

At once the blonde left the sink before he dried his hands by shaking them closely to Harry's.

"Right on time." I deadpanned as I dried my hands to Harry's robes.

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