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"Would everybody gather around here, please." Harry's exigency-sounding voice came from across the room as a couple of wands flew through the air, including my own.

Gradually, every pair stopped casting the Disarming spell at each other and moved to where my brother and the rest of the Golden Trio stood.

Thanks to Dobby the first (second) meeting with Dumbledore's Army could finally take place for which Harry and I were grateful — he frequently uses the Room of Requirement because apparently one of his friends, Winky, another elf, often gets drunk when she drinks a Butterbeer after her work in the Hogwarts Kitchens is done and needs to sleep off her inebriation.

We're already November and it was about time to actually learn spells that will help us defend ourselves against the danger in our world, and those from the Muggles if history repeats itself.

"Eight-five," George said mockingly as he picked up my wand from the floor after he succeeded to disarm me for the eighth time while I could only five times to him, "You lost, love." He said, handing my wand back, smiling devilishly down at me.

"Don't worry, Weasley." I looked up at him with a sour face, "My vengeance shall be sweet."

"How sweet?"

"Very sweet."

He snorted with laughter, raising his eyebrows, "I'd like to see that."

"You will." I assured with a challenging smirk playing on my lips before we both turned our faces to my brother who was waiting until everybody was quiet and had assembled around him.

"It's a quarter before curfew so we have to stop for today." Harry announced, "Otherwise, today went pretty well...and for those who struggled, we've got loads of time and place to improve." He said, glancing at a few people, "I suppose we meet each other next Wednesday, same place, same time?"

The mix of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students shared looks with each other, some of them mumbling some words, agreeing with Harry his suggestion.

"Fine, I'll see you all Wednesday then." Harry said, his eyes roaming the students.

With that, everybody started to leave the Room of Requirement in fours, threes and twos, using different ways to get to their Common Rooms.

"You did well." I said to Harry, tucking my hair behind my ear as we were walking through the Entrance Hall, Ron's and Hermione's arguing echoing through the hall from a distance as well as Professor Snape's and Professor McGonagall's low talking while observing all of Umbridge her decrees on the wall.

"Cheers, 'Mel." He sighed, sending me a smile, "So did you."

"Thank you." I said happily.

I heard him clearing his throat, "You seemed to have a lot of fun with George." He commented, glancing at me.

I ignored the tone of his words, his intentions, "George's a funny guy." I reasoned, "It can hardly be not fun with him."

"Yeah," He nodded, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth.

"What about Cho?" I questioned, changing the subject.

"What about her?" He said ignorantly.

"Please, the girl barely knew how to pronounce the spell whenever she saw you in her surroundings." I huffed, raising my eyebrows.

"Really?" Harry asked with a blissful smile forming on his lips.

"Yes, idiot."

On our right, Malfoy and Daphne came into our vision from the corridor that connects the Entrance Hall to the courtyard.

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