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I can't sleep at night
He's created nightmares and i can't fight
They won't believe me if i told them
Trying my best to not leave this life of mayhem

He waits till they all sleep and grabs me
Smelling like alcohol threatening me strip
If i scream it'll be my last key
Making me touch him till he unzip

I don't have to go into detail
All of this is making my life a living hell
And I'm internally scream because i have no one to tell
I don't talk and they think it's because I'm unwell

I'm breaking so bad i can't feel pain
I cry every night with so much shame
No one cares and i guess I'm to blame
Pushing all my emotions back is driving me insane

This time it's not happening
He came at night and grabbed
While he unzipped i pulled back the clip
Brains on the wall ears ringing

Looking at his face mouth babbling
Cops were called now i look bad
I told the truth without one slip
I don't want to be treated as a animal but a human being

Parents were arrested for endangerment
My new family loves me
Took matters into my own judgement
But now I'm happy and free


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