Painting my picture

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Let's paint a picture
Using the words of my literature
A man walking though life hurt
Walking through the heat like a desert

He meets a girl say he cares
In his mind knowing what will happen why does he dare
Things get real they feel each other
Then comes to the point that he discovers

She changed when they came around
It didn't hit her but he saw it like listening to surround sound
He kept quite because he can't voice his mind
Every time he does he finds out they waste his time

They always say the need help
He comes to the rescue
And he's the one who needs to be rescued
So often he does this he can't help himself

At times he thinks they fake their pain
He knows so much of it like he's in a different lane
Where he can find new partners but never have a gain
He wishes his eyes could just leak let out his rain

It's true pain changes who you are
Now he has to cope and he barely makes it
Like his life is just going to end
And he just can't keep up the pretend

Had enough of being sick inside
All he feels is death and he wants to die
Keeps moving in this world and can't stand
Trying to find someone sucks no one gives a helping hand


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