Chapter 20-Aris

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At his idioms, a studded applause arises, but ebbs briskly, Janson flips open the metal cover of the object and bats his orns down at it before scouring his orns ominously at the crowd, who await tautly and agogly, I ruck my brows together, not fathoming why the enmity is so potent "Connor, Evelyn" as the owners of the names erect, they are praised with congrats, as if profited a virtuous prize "Justin, Peter, Allison, Squiggy", at the name, a subtle laughter arises in the Dining Hall "Franklin and Abigail", Janson latches the object in his hands, which clanks dulcetly. All owners of the names erect before us in a single line, facing us gallantly, a groan of dismay imbues the air, I tuck my brows together "now, now, don't get discouraged, if I could take more, I would" Janson primes them, hoisting his hands in penitence, arraying his deeds are influenced "there is always tomorrow, your time will come" he notifies us, there's a pitch in his voice that roots an uneasy shiver down my spine "go on, eat up" he employs us before birling around and striding out the entry, all the boys and girls summoned pursue behind. The two men escort the line out, pose tautly bellicose, a gentle applause arises, just as brief and feeble, all heed returns to their prior gravity, all bluffing as if what just occured was routine "where are they going?" Minho probes "far from here" David replies dejectedly, watching the line flow through the cafeteria doors, he twists his body towards us "lucky bastards" he utters, Ryan mirrors David's earlier deed "some kind of farm, a safe place, they can only take in a couple of people at a time" he notifies us in a glum tone, my orbs bat towards my friends. Only to espy Thomas's orbs bat towards something behind me, his aspects lift briefly before altering into an aghast, addled guise "what the heck?" He mumbles dulcetly before erecting swiftly, I ruck my brows together, watching him decamp, mulling what could possibly evoke his deeds, but when I espy a girl with raven, wiry locks strolling down a hall alongside the entrance with two Researchers escorting her, I gasp in horror, Teresa "hey, Teresa!" Thomas calls lustily, my heart beat revs as some regards birl his way, I caprice to ally him "Teresa!" He exclaims again, briskly striding towards her. But just as she twists her head towards him, she slips behind the closed doors, vanishing from sight, the doors are guarded by the same two men that had escorted Janson and the kids to the door, I infer that their duty is to defend it and ensure no one else passes through, but the two worlds clash because of a sole girl, Thomas and the man with the slicked hair converse, murmuring softly to each other, the man has a poise of serenity whilst Thomas has taut shoulders and wild gestures, the whole group scours for any paltry sign of menace. Only for Thomas to return back to his seat "what was that about, Shank?" Minho probes gently "Teresa", the guises around the group melt into empathy, but my orbs espy the lone boy with the banded jacket, finding that his hood is now removed, revealing the wild, dirty blonde locks that is stroked to the left side of his forehead, a few tips grazing his brow, I could be inexact, but I swear I saw his orbs avert from our group "I'm going to go sit with him" I declare abruptly, stunned and addled guises birl my way. "What? Who?" Newt probes tautly "that boy over there" I reply, nodding towards the lone boy "I'm going to go sit with him" I recur, ensuring my voice is more decisive "why?" Thomas inquires, just as shocked as the rest of them "I'm just going to go see if I can sit with him, he does appear lonely" I motive my disclosure, they all strain their shoulders, coveting to amend my resolve "what if he doesn't want anyone to sit with him?" Newt argues, above everyone, he is the most taut, and I grasp why, he covets to guard me. "Well, then I'll come back over here, but I can't just sit here and watch him sit alone with the chance of him having no choice" I counter him, he unlatches his jaw to dissent "and don't worry, I'll be in your sights at all times, and if anything happens, you guys are close enough for quick protection" I dispel him with a elite tune "Rose, please" Newt exhorts, I detect a small quiver in his hand "I need to do this, please, just let me sit with him" I solicit him, he wavers again "I'll be okay". I vow him stoutly, he sighs and rakes a timid hand in his wild locks "okay" he finally utters, I smile broadly and link my hand with his, thanking him tacitly with my affection "thank you" I whisper, he only licks his lips and nods, I untie our hands and erect myself, only alloting myself a deep inhale and exhale to prime myself for what might occur, I briefly smile timidly at them and stride over to the table with the lone boy, he appears too pensive with his fixated gaze into the void to notice me as I erect before him. "Hello" I greet gently, although my tone is cordial and my voice is hushed, he jumps, jolting from his inaction, he ogles at me, orbs swelling and mouth parting in awe "mind if I sit?" I inquire, he only nods his head, with his consent, I slip into the chair across from him "I'm Rose" I smile at him, he dubiously grins back "what's your name?" I inquire, he only bats down at his hands demurely, saliently averse in divulging his name "come on, at least tell me your name!" I exclaim, although ensuring my altruistic hush "Aris".

Author's info- Hello reader! BOOM! Another great chapter and amazing cliffhanger! OMG, I absolutely LOVE this chapter!! I am not joking, this one has got to be my all time favorite! Here's why, so, first off, this chapter contains the first ever day that the Gladers are in blissful sanctuary, but, there are already some stains of suspicion that are arising right about now, not only does this chapter guide me to the next one, but it is also very significant! Anyone else think that David and Ryan are a little weird around Rose? You'll find out why like way later!:)! Also, I kinda like how the picture at the beginning of the chapter really provides that flare of the chapter! I really like the moment I caught it too! Signifies the beginning of Thomas's suspicion! I hope you guys loved this chapter as much as I did writing it! Seriously, I loved writing it! Also, I cannot wait to see what happens next now that Aris and Rose are finally meeting! And my poor baby Newt is protective!!! I started squealing at his behavior although I am the one writing it! Anyway, if you guys loved this chapter, don't hesitate to smash that voting star, leave a comment or message me personally! I always reply when it comes to my supportive readers!  I cannot thank you guys so much for all the support and love that has gone to my books! Seriously, it is amazing to see how many readers and followers are impacted by my works! It makes me want to cry, low key, happy tears! Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the book and thank you all once again for the love and support! Also know that if readers start pouring in for this book, it will only drive the motivation for the inspiration I am holding inside for the very last book! So keep those readers coming if you guys want something totally, completely different, in a good way! I won't tell you now because that would be spoiling, but I'll just leave it at, you don't want to miss it and I don't want to keep it inside any longer! So keep those votes and readers coming! I hope all of you guys are staying safe and healthy! I love all of you guys! Got to go, next chapter won't write itself! Later reader!

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