Chapter 109-Vigilant

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"You get ready to chuck it" Jorge employs him "why in the Glade do you have a bomb?" I scorn "just for times like these" the man grins, I cringe at the sight "EVERYBODY! GET READY TO SPRINT BACK TO THE TRUCK!" Jorge instructs to the rest of the group, activating it with the flick of a red switch "AND COVER YOUR EARS!", "I cannot believe we are doing this" I mutter out "ready?" Jorge primes, my hand laces around Thomas's innately "stay close", he nods towards me, devising to throw the dangerous bomb, I kneel before the two, ready. "One.... Two...", The cock of a gun halts him, I freeze when I realize a cold, round surface is pressed balefully against my right temple, I slowly turn my head to gaze upon the face that harbors the weapon, the woman before me is beautiful, besides the fact that half of her aspects are concealed, her skin is the same tint as Frypan, her dark brown locks frame her face, her features appear wary and chary of the outside world, vexed brown orbs gaze at me "drop it", the forgein voice enters my ears, I gaze at Thomas and Jorge. My orbs are wide, swelling with with fear, they both turn towards me to face my captors, Thomas's face arrays horror as he realizes I am in danger, I raise my hands in surrender "now!" She hests again, nudging the barrel into my head, my flinch slightly, fearful she may shoot, I notice another girl aids her, the same menacing weapon in her hand and aimed right for Thomas, her blonde, wild, yet soft, locks are vaguely familiar as they are combed back into a messy braid, her hazel orbs gaze at me charily "I said, 'drop it'!" She recurs. Steadying the gun, Jorge gazes at me, I plead with my gaze for him to obey the woman, sighing in defeat, he deactivates the device in his hand "on your feet, let's go", I notice her tone is lower now, her comanding and gallant aura startles me "LET'S GO! MOVE!", all three of us warily erect from our hiding spot, but when Thomas essays to take my hand to tug me with them, the girl with the dark skin only points the gun at him "BACK UP!" She orders him, I gaze at Thomas in dismay as he takes a step back. I am now isolated from the two of them, the dark colored woman keeps her weapon trained upon me "easy" Jorge essays to lull them "you too! Over here! Now!", I gaze back at Newt and Minho, both of their gazes are irated from noting I am being held captive by these two women, although Newt's orbs flare with rage, I can espy the flicker of worry dwelling in them "come on! Let's go! On your feet!" The blonde woman orders "don't be stupid! Move!" The entire group is erected now, all with their hands raised in surrender. "Slowly" the blonde girl snaps, the dark skinned girl halts, her orbs gazing upon Aris, her features soften momentarily and her grip upon the gun falters, she lowers the gun, I physically relax now that the gun is not pointed at me "Aris?" The dark skinned woman probes in awe, we all turn our heed towards the boy, who gazes at her addledly, the woman unmasks herself to reveal her face "oh my God, Harriet?!" Aris exclaims in disbelief, Harriet rushes forward, embracing Aris tightly "what the heck are you doing here?" Harriet laughs elatedly, the blonde unmasks herself, revealing her shock. Harriet cups Aris's cheeks, smiling widely, detaching herself so that the blonde could step forward "Sonya", the girl embraces Aris, a relieved smile dancing upon her features "Aris, you are lucky we didn't shoot your dumb arse" Sonya jokes, they both huddle close toegether, all their expressions are the same, shock, the rest of us stand there, unsure what to do "uh, what's going on here?" Minho queries muddledly, Aris turns to gaze at the group "we were in the Maze together" Aris notifies us, Harriet beings her fingers to her lips, a sharp whistle enters my ears. "WE'RE CLEAR, GUYS! COME ON OUT!", indistinct voices gird us, we all gaze up and note the many figures that erect at the mountains above us, weapons in all their possessions, Sonya smiles at Aris "thank goodness you are alive" she huffs out, it is only then do we lower our hands, but my fear still lingers "Aris?" I probe timidly "it's okay, Rose, we can trust them" Aris assures, I nod and rush over to Newt, throwing myself into his arms, he huffs in relief, holding me close by my waist, I tangle my fingers in his locks "you okay, Love?". He probes dulcetly, his voice is shaky from the fearful event, I cling to the leather lining of his jacket, only for him to detach from me so he could cup my face in his hands "yeah, I am okay" I reply to him, he smiles faintly and places his lips upon my forehead, his hands slither down my body to hold me flush against his chest by my waist, I almost shiver at the delicate, ghostly graze he gifts me, I cling to his shirt, we both direct our fretful and timid gaze onto the two women. Sonya gazes at us oddly, sliming her orbs at Newt "can someone please bloody explain what the heck is going on here?" Newt probes iratedly, the two women share a glance "sorry about that, can't take risks out here if we want to survive" Harriet pardons "we've been getting a lot of breaches lately, so we had to take precautions" Sonya explains further, I note her voice has the identical accented lilt as Newt "just follow us, we will take care of you", the two walk off before any of us protest, we aversely follow them, every step is vigilant.

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