Chapter 103-Bertha

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The words are soft, even I have to strain to hear them, the strikes against the man continue, I flinch and gaze down at Thomas, anger, sorrow, worry and hate mix into a confused storm within "come on, Thomas, you have to wake up" I whisper softly, his locks slide through my slender fingers effortlessly "they need you, Thomas", I detect a small bead forming around my orbs "I need you", suddenly, I detect a small tingle birth in my hands, though the detection is slightly rare, I recognize it instantly, I smile fraily, allowing a tear to slip from my orb. It lands right on Thomas's cheek as I close my orbs and focus all my heed upon my ability, my fingers extend out fully until they are unable to go further, my bones protrude and my skin heats, my hands squake from the vigor concealed within, I open my orbs, a lively fire burning, I note the waves of zicrons that cascade doen my arms, the tingle upon my skin leaves goosebumps, my hands relax and my tips glow as my ability enters Thomas's body, blanketing him with their healing touch, it's not long before the zicrons retreat. Deeming him healed, I grin and place my lips upon his forehead kindly "Teresa, can you watch Thomas?" I inquire, she turns towards me with a smile "sure thing, Rose", I carefully elevate Thomas's head and steer out from under him, I recline him back down upon the pillow, free from his weight, I erect and stroll over to Newt, but I notice Brenda as she gazes at Teresa and Thomas, orbs bitter and somber, I wonder what occured between her and Thomas, I mull, she wasn't you, I am reminded of Thomas's words, maybe she was rejected, I realize. I abandon the mull for a more appropriate time and erect beside Newt, arms crossed and orbs bitter "tell me where they are, Marcus!", another strike "I don't enjoy hurting you, so just save us the trouble and spit it out!" Jorge demands angrily, I discern murmuring from where Thomas was, I don't gaze towards the commotion, savvying Thomas must be awake, the soft prod of feet enters my ears, yet I stubbornly don't regard Thomas, Newt wrings his head to gaze upon the boy "looks like you had some fun" Newt teases, Thomas ignores the comment, gazing upon Marcus's bloodied and bruised face. The man's face reveals shock and addle "now I am really confused" Marcus finally speaks "it doesn't take much to do that" Jorge snaps harshly "confused about what?" I probe him "unless your friend over here is a better actor than you are, Lovely, I am pretty sure he drank a lot", Marcus's pale orbs slim charily "that stuff was pretty strong, I am amazed that someone who has never had a drink before recover so quickly, usually that cocktail I gave you ensures you are passed out for at least a few days, not hours". I suddenly detect orbs upon me, I bat my orbs to meet the gaze that Thomas harbors, many emotions alloy in his brown hues, but I gaze at him vacantly, I am still angry at him, he appears addled about my irk, tucking his brows faintly, thank you, he mouths silently, I nod impassively, gazing away from him as I maneuver to settle down upon the armrest of the chair Newt sits at, innately his arm snakes around my body and his hand settles upon my waist, ensuring to remain hidden from Marcus's prying orbs "doesn't matter" Jorge mars the unbearable silence. "Just tell me where they are, Marcus!" Jorge fumes "wait, that's Marcus?" Thomas probes, this roots the man to laugh farcically "you aren't the only one he fooled" I mutter bitterly to Thomas, my orbs never wavering from the man "smart Kid, tell me, are you the brains of this operation?", Jorge grabs a handful of Marcus's locks, yanking them so the man's heed was only on him "tell me where the Right Arm is" Jorge hests, snarling iratedly "I burned my bridges with them a long time ago" Marcus's scoffs, smirking smugly "what do you mean?" Newt queries tensely. "WICKED offers a pretty penny for you Immunes, so I lure them here, let them have fun, get drunk, then WICKED comes in, separating the wheat from the chaff" Marcus laughs madly "they kill whoever they don't think is strong enough?!" I exclaim wrathfully "why would they want weak little mice when they can have strong lions?", a crazed laugh escapes Marcus's lips, Jorge shakes his head, abhorring that last remark "I take back what I said, I do enjoy hurting you", in a swift flash Jorge strikes Marcus in the chest with his foot, rooting him to fall back. His head slams into the floor, a yelp of pain escapes the man, Jorge swiftly reveals a gun from his coat pocket, a click from the weapond informs us it is loaded, he aims it right at Marcus's face and towers over the man dauntingly, their faces inches apart, noting the gun, Marcus frails in the chair, unable to flee "TALK! TALK!" Jorge commands "okay! Okay! I'll talk!", Jorge smirks and obtains the collar of the man, pulling him back to his feet "they move around alot, so there's no guarantee that they'll stay in one place long enough for you to catch them. They are in the mountains, but that's a long ways away and with WICKED following right behind your sorry butts, there's no way you will make it" Marcus divulges, laughing madly, already neglecting Jorge had threatened him with a gun, Jorge rubs his fingers over his upper lip in mull "not on foot", an enlivened gleam fills his orbs as he leans in to be close to Marcus's cruelly beaten face, we all exchange an addled glance, Marcus's lips quivers in response and fear dominates over his once aplomb aspects at their close proximity "where's Bertha?".

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