Chapter 26-Always

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My heartbeat expedites and my chest aches with profound grief "no, no, no, I didn't do this, they died because of you not me!" I dissent to their falsities, Paige grins an odious smirk, one that arrays she knew more than I "but Rose, if it weren't for you, they wouldn't be dead" she pouts, posing her ruth for me "no, no, I didn't do this" I rebut, shaking my head rapidly, as if my deed would free myself from the notion "no, I didn't do this" I recur to myself as the gore of my murdered friends girds me. "No, no, no ,no" I choke on my words, "NOOOOO!" I bawl, squinting my orbs as I frail my arms around "NO! I DIDN'T DO THIS!" I claim, tears streaking my cheeks, a pair of arms seize my shoulders, shaking them rapidly, reality is faint and uncertain in my view, I don't savvy where I am, my orbs are onused with haze and reject to bar, impeling me to abide in a domain of ink, all my senses are deprived of me, all of them except touch "LET ME GO! I DIDN'T DO THIS! HELP!" I scream hectically, essaying to unbind myself. Wildly thrashing my arms about "Rose! Rose, wake up! It's just a dream!" A voice exclaims worriedly, finally the load on my orbs is freed, as if lulled by this voice, I burst open my orbs, my sight is blurry and thwarted by the low lighting, but I espy the outline of a head in front of me, I huff arduously, my alarm and panic soar above reign "Rose, it's okay, it's just a dream", the voice recurs, succoring me to discern the owner of the voice and the head in front of me is a fretting Thomas. Many other heads appear beside him, gazing down at me, but one is closer than the others, it places it's hand against my cheek, the simple touch lazes my reving pulse and profound alarm "hey, it's okay, Love, it's over, you're awake", Newt, I discern easily, although the voice is easing and lulls me further, my tears never falter their vigorous flow, my suspiring lulls and my taut shoulders slump, he abides skiming my cheek, once I note it was merely a dream, I quickly latch myself to Newt, concealing my face in his chest, he doesn't act as quickly. My deed is too swift, but he ensures to envelope me within his arms, my tears soak his shirt as he rubs my back in a soothing circular motion, I listen to the calm beat of his heart as I sob quietly, the gore of the nightmare besets my mind and bouts of the faces that belonged all those who died because of me appear every time I blink, I latch my orbs, but they still oppress me "nightmare?" He queries gently, I verify by nodding my head, he sighs gloomily "go back to sleep, Lads" he employs "I'll care for her". He murmurs, slowly twisting his head towards the umbras behind him, some murmurs arise and the soft pad of feet and the cranking of beds inform me some heed him, he shifts into a more congenial pose, allaying me on the bed, which dips slightly to his weight, I curl into him as he lightly rakes his left hand through my locks, the other bolsters me, but abides it's soothing graze, he is mute, granting me time to repose myself, his mere comfort and presence is enough to lull me, but his touch is what entirely lazes me. After a while, my sobs become more faint, I sniff as I lividly wipe away the frailty of my grief and fear, my pulse meshes with Newt's steady drum, assisting in a more rapid allay, the silence is thick and stifles the air, making it earnest to contain myself for the tact of others, Newt brushes a lock of hair behind my ear "want to talk about it?" He probes gently, solicit of my state, I quickly rebut my retelling "was it really bad?" He queries, the novice tone of his voice evokes me of Chuck, causing me to choke. I verify with a nod, he mutes, not probing any further, but he tilts my head up so that I am angled to look upon him, his aspects are less vague with his deed, I can espy his orbs and lips very faintly, his lips glint within the darkness, a result of their moisture, his orbs may appear dark within the ink of night, but they are just as brown as routine, my sobs slowly ebb like the vigorous gale after a storm, my cheeks crisp like turf after a paltry shower, but I abide my viscid grip on him. Fearful if I release him my fragile, broken frame may collapse, so he lingers, awaiting me to fully relax, we abide our gaze, he gifts me with that rare smile that I adore so, and I am coerced into mirror, very insecurely, including aversely and leisurely, he unbinds me, slipping his arms away from me, I liberate his shirt, allowing him to refit it, he doesn't arise just yet, but he does recline me onto my pillow "try and get some rest, okay, Love?" He employs me gently, raking his trim fingers through my locks, I nod, verifying I'll essay. He smiles faintly before steering to desert me, panic imbues me as I detect that menacing and dejecting gape in my chest, my stomach lurches as I cognize that I entail him, that I won't truly essay unless he was with me "Newt, wait" I halt him, he twists his head towards me, awaiting for my motive "will you stay with me?" I query him softly, he smiles at me, he quietly strides back towards my bed, facilely climbing over me and settles behind me, wrapping an arm around me, resting his hand upon my incurve, securely embracing me "always".

Author's info- Hello reader! BOOM! Another great chapter and amazing cliffhanger, I am so sorry for the really gory chapter, but just as a FYI, this dream won't be the last one, yeah, I know Newt told her not to be guilty over what she did, but hey, it just makes the book more better, and not only does it truly help develop the story, but it also provides a really great clue to, sadly, this clue is not one any of you will like come my last book, you'll see, anyway, anyone else screaming like the fangirl they are because of this little scene that I have provided you?? I love The Hunger Games, especially our sweet baby, Petta, so, as a gift for all the support and love that I have gotten for not only this book and the last, I gave you guys a little bit of fluff in this chapter! I really hope you guys liked it! For it is also from The Hunger Games! Man, those movies and books could never go out of popularity! Also, I want to take the time to say thank you! Thank you for all the amazing feedback and votes! I always smile brightly when I see that someone has commented or voted on my book! It makes me insane, like in a good way! So keep those votes and lovely comments coming, it might just motivate me more! I know I update like every day and all, but I kinda want to make sure that I stay inactive with you guys and more engaging, if that make sense, I want to ensure that my book and message log is more than a book and a message log, that means you guys can text me for whatever you need, advice, critique on your own works or just to say hello, I always reply whenever it comes to my loyal, beautiful and amazing readers! I also hope that you guys are loving the book as much as I love writing it! If you are, smash that voting star, leave a comment or message me personally! I always reply to my readers! If you are truly loving this book, share with everyone you know! I got to go, the next chapter won't write itself! I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy! I love all of you guys! Later reader!

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