Chapter 106-Her

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"What kind of fantasies?" I probe dulcetly, enwrapped by the story, Newt grins, caressing a lock of my hair behind my right ear "we would talk about what we were before the Maze and the Memory Whipe, like if we were the oldest or youngest, if we had siblings or were an only child, Alby would tease me, saying I was 'Big Brother Material' for the way I would ensure that Alby had enough rest and water", he smile falters slightly "do you think you had a sibling before the Maze?" I query once again "I like to think so. But when I remember WICKED throwing teens in a Maze and the Flare making almost the entire bloody world go mad, I sometimes hope there wasn't anyone I cared for", I gaze at him solacingly "anyways, it had been a month and although we weren't exactly sure if the Box was gonna send a new Greanbean up, we had our hopes", Minho begins to snicker "yeah and guess who these Shanks were blessed with, this guy right here", Minho points to himself, Newt groans again "yes, and you think he is bad now, he was worse then", I tuck my brows together in addle. "How so?" I probe, riveted "well, let's just say when Minho appeared from the Box, he had a wild, unfiltered mouth, he was cussing up a storm at the sight of us and the Glade", Minho snickers again, clearly essaying to hinder his laughter "so me and Alby had to make some rules, which ended up being the rules you Greenies know now", "stop stalling!" Minho exclaims "I am not bloody stalling! And if I was, you can't bloody blame me, Slinthead!" Newt roars penally "as I was saying", his voice is lull and hushed now. "We had to figure out a way to curb that boy's mouth or else he would scare off any other Greenies or offend them, so I came up with the Glader Slang, I chose shuck to replace the many rude curses this boy was spitting out like the rapid fire of a gun, Shank as another word for Friend, good that is when we agree with someone or something, jacked meant that we were calling someone messed up in the head, slim it was used for when we needed someone to shut it", Minho abruptly bursts out in loud laughter. We all gaze at him addledly, Newt sends him a cold stare "and what about klunk, Newt? You forgot about that!" Minho exclaims, Newt grumbles, I grin fondly at the two "I came up with klunk mainly because..." Newt halts, chagrin floods his aspects in an alluring tone of red "because?" Minho pushes "BECAUSE OF THE BLOODY SOUND POOP MADE WHEN IT HIT THE GROUND! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DON'T BLOODY KNOW, YOU SLINTHEAD!", Newt thrashes around to essay to strike Minho, luckily with my body on top of his, he doesn't even hold a chance "that is how you came up with klunk?. Because of the sound?", Thomas's aspects contort in repel as Minho roars with laughter, Frypan, Brenda and Jorge chuckle lightly "so this is what guys do in their free time, find other ways for saying shi-", "klunk" Newt heckles Brenda, censoring her "why are you so insistent on the Slang? You don't need it anymore" Jorge probes "yeah, back when you guys first arrived, you did the same thing" Brenda joins "because it's all I know, and I'd rather stick with it, can't help it if I censor you like I did with Minho" Newt replies.

Newt's Point Of View
The car has fallen silent, but our smiles linger, we cherish them, for they're like flowers, they flourish and bloom when the Sun shines brightly and happily down upon us, pure joy, but come the bitter winter, they wilt and decay like brittle sand, pure depression, they are precious to us, delicate saplings that resemble the long needed sunshine of hope and new beginnings, they're our last remaining defense against insanity and hopelessness, they help us endure the troubles of this dying world, they even survive now as all those, besides me and Jorge, snore softly. My Rose is now curled into a protective ball, her body facing towards Jorge, her back rests against the side door and her behind found a tiny space of seat to settle upon, her legs are bent, her knees erecting high in front of her so that she wouldn't put any weight down upon my wounded leg, I run my fingers through her silky and smooth locks, watching her fondly as a tiny grin remains upon her plump ruby lips, she perfectly resembles an innocent child when reposing, her features are more delicate and young, a rare sight during daytime. For the stress of the world would always ensure this beautiful aura of innocence and fragility would never be witnessed by anyone unless they saw her sleep, her breathing is leveled, rhythmic like a drum, although she is deep within slumber's grasp, her hands grip my jacket close to her, I would tuck my brows whenever she would absentmindedly rub the cloth between her fingers, she murmurs indiscernible and faint words, words I don't pay heed to, the tints and hues of the setting Sun thrive upon her form, although I should be accustomed to her beauty, my heart falters. She is beautiful, I devour her every feature, every intricate trace that delicately creates the perfect art of her skin, but not just the beauty and the flawless, but the flaws and the ruined, every gash that slices through her tender skin, the almost indistinct dark dags of fatigue that circle around her eyes, the crinkling of her forehead from the worried tucks of her brows, I adore all of her, the pure and lustful, the perfect and ruined, the joy and the sorrow, the saftey and the pain, all of it rolled into this fragile being "you love her".

Author's info- Hello reader! BOOM! Another amazing chapter and amazing cliffhanger! Omg guys, things are getting real, okay, so, who else squealed when I started to write in Newt's point of view? I am not gonna lie, I squealed and I am writting this! I had promised you guys that I am really dedicating all I have into this book and here is my proof, but not all the credit goes to me, one of my amazing readers suggested it a while back while I was writing The Inevitable, and I promised I would give you guys it and here it is!!! My gosh I cannot wait to see what you guys think of it! I tried so hard to fit Newt's character, I really hope I did him justice!! Let me know what you think!! Anyway, this chapter and the next are gonna be so juicy!! I mean, really juicy!! You will see why, the next chapter will have a huge clue for the last book I will be writing for this series!! I really hope you guys catch it!! Anyway, anyone else excited to see where this conversation with Jorge goes? Find out in the mext chapter!! This is my gift to all you loyal readers who have been so supportive, patient and inspiring towards me!! You all really mean so much to me!! Okay, gotta go, the next chapter won't write itself! As always, be sure to leave a comment, vote and express your critique! Feel free to message me personally if you have some ideas or just want to talk!! I am always here for you guys! I love you all! Stay safe! Later readers!

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