Chapter 94-Cordial Darkness

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Fear, I have espied it in many forms, it imbued the Maze, thriving upon our rotting bodies, harbored in the callous gaze of a Griever, concealed in the Walls that with their closing, they seal the inevitable fate of whoever is inside, the ominous fear of the unknown, the venal fear for thirst, the avid fear of hunger, fear is an infection, more fatal than the Flare, arrayed within the drained bodies of countless who have been atoned for a Cure, stalking in the night like a sinister hunter, preying upon my dreams, but this recent fear that blooms within, it is the fear of Cranks. Bedlam ensues in the bathroom swiftly, too quick for me to react, the Crank's torid, bloodshot orbs link with my own, I swiftly birl around as it tackles me to the ground, my head collides with the sink, rooting my sight to blur and my once tactic mind to slur addledly, I am amazed at how I remain conscious, I groan as I land face first onto the artic tile, I note the door is only a few feet away, as if auguring my mull the Crank inexorably snares my ankles and crudely drags me away. Safety elludes my reach "NEWT!" I scream, appaled as I vainly claw at the floor, I kick the feral monster to unleash myself from it's hold "ANYONE! HELP ME!" I wail, suddenly a blast of my energy surges from my hand, striking the cabinet that held varieties of towels and soaps, but the blast radixes the heavy object to fall onto the floor, barring the door, the creature hauls me further away, climbing on top of me, straddling my body between it's legs, it snarls and chomps, hungry for me, I spurn to let it's gnarly face near my own. Shoving it's shoulders away "Rose? Rose, are you okay?!", Newt's howl roots allay to pool around my orbs, but the Crank diligently essays to devour me "NEWT! HELP ME!", my bawl roots a potent bang to erupt, I realize he is essaying to unblock the door, the cabinet is unfazed, a whimper of fear flees my lips, this is it "ROSE! HOLD ON! WE ARE COMING!" Newt assures me, but the fear twinging his voice informs me otherwise "NEWT! PLEASE, HELP ME!", despair laces my arms, abating them, the Crank advances closer, I spar to sustain my vigor. Then something occurs, something that will forever daunt me, the Crank speaks "I know you", it growls, horror slaps across my face, but I am intrigued "how do you know me?", I essay to keep my voice steady, but it leaks my fear, it laughs rabidly "you think you are so special" the creature snaps lividly, amother pound at the door, I can discern the vexed and frantic voices of everyone on the otherside of it, fusing together unclearly, somewhere, almost lost in the mix, I discern Newt's voice, I turn my face towards the sealed door, aching for him. "Look at me", the growl is bestial, but somehow an acuity abides, I refuse to gaze upon the horrific sight "look. At. Me" it repeats steadily, I coil "LOOK AT ME!" It roars, I aversely gaze at it, what should be the humane color of skin is replaced by the ebony vines of death, curling around it's face, arraying it's reign, a gaping hole in it's cheek reveals it's gold and grisly teeth, scars litter the face and arms, they are the arena of the Crank, patches of it's hair is missing, an fervid, raving and hungry gaze audits me. I cringe as the hole in it's cheek roots a drop of inky liquid to land right on my cheek "you did this to me" it narks me soridly "I don't even know you" I speak weakly "but I know you", an acrane smirk flares across it's foul face, addle fills me "you mocked us, always envoking hope and life, all the while naïve millions die", I vainly spar against the iron grip, the vivid, unceasing pounds on the door persist, futile, it lowers it's face, it's mangled nose brushing against my own "you were the last thing we saw before insanity snared us". I tremble timidly "you will pay for what you have done", an insane cackle escapes it's lips "soon you will be what we all are" it mumbles fervidly "soon you will be nothing but another mind that was lost to the Flare", "no" I rebut "yes", it halts, I note the bangs on the door have surged in vigor "you and your little friend there too", my heart sputters "the time for lies is over", it leans in slowly, opening it's jaw, devising to camp down upon my skin, it slants my head, displaying my neck. "Stop", it is dulcet, an exhort, one that it spurns, anxiety infuses me, this is it, I tried Newt, my prayer, cognizance hits me when it's lips brush against my skin "NEWT!", abruptly the door bursts open, thrusting the cabinet to the side, both of us birl our heads in shock as my friends barge in through the door, Newt's orbs land upon me, they fume with wrath "GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS OFF HER!" He hests, the Crank laughs "LAUGH AT THIS, BLOODY SHUCK FACE!", suddenly, Newt raises a gun, cocks it, aims charily and fires, deftly wounding the creature. I shut my orbs, not wishing to espy the damage, a putrid gargle escapes the Crank's mouth before it's unmoving body slumps onto mine, repel spikes into my body and I shove the body off of me, scurrying away, tears spring into my orbs from the event, I bump into someone, jolting my already frantic body, I birl around fretfully, only to find Newt gazing at me worriedly, I clasp the collar of his shirt and ram his body into mine, embracing him as I let vigorous and vehement sobs escape me, I couldn't endure, I succumb to cordial darkness.

Author's info- Hello readers! BOOM! Another amazing chapter! Okay, so not that much happened in this one, but I am just gonna go over the chapter just in case. Rose got attacked my a Crank in a place that was supposed to be free of them, I kinda like this chapter in the sense of that Rose is finally seeing that nowhere is free from danger, no matter how hard she tries to ignore it, and of course this may lead to a new found dread and sorrow. Who knows? Anyway, so this chapter is gonna be a major milestone for Rose, but you guys just don't know it yet. And it's a good way to show off Rose's vulnerability, despite her powers and the hard exterior she may pretend to have in the face of others around her, but she is just a weak as the rest of them, of course I don't like the idea of a weak main character, but I am risking it all at this point to grow deeper into the story I want. Okay, but let's get real, we all need to give Newt some praise for what he did in this chapter, I mean he shot a Crank in the head with a weapon he has never used before to save the love of his life!! Feels!!! I loved it!! Absolutely loved it!! And I hope you guys loved it as much as I adored writing it!! I gotta go, the next chapter isn't gonna write itself, be sure to leave a comment! Vote and if you ever want to express your critique on here or personally with me, both are encouraged!! I am always here if you wish to share your thoughts or just say hi! Don't forget to share this book with everyone you know!! I could surely use the love and support!! I love you all and stay safe!! Later reader!!

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