Chapter 70-WICKED Researcher

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A pang violently collides into my chest and the air in my lungs is stolen from me, leaving me gasping in surprise and stumbling back inelegantly "she will do great things that one cannot even fathom", I vainly essay to obtain something that will keep me upright, but I stumble onto the floor, the floor beneath me wanes and crumbles, causing me to fall through, I frail my arms around and scream as everything once again recedes into the murky pool of nullity "she will be, our savior", the scene melts away and the voice of the two vanish swiftly. I plummet down this dark hole of memories, which hare across the void of gloom swiftly. So abrupt that they all appear they mash together, I am lost within the sea of bodiless voices "she is our only hope", "Rose, you have to wake up, you need to remember", "she is unlike anything we have ever seen", "Rose, don't trust her, she isn't what you think she is", "Rose, this is for the greater good", "Rose, always remember, I love you", "how could you do this to me?", "you left me no choice", "Rose, wake up, please", "I love you". "Rose, wake up!", suddenly, I detect my shoulders being rocked to and fro insistently, I squint my eyelids shut, refusing to open them in fear of awakening from my deep slumber "Rose, come on! Wake up!", I gasp, only to espy a figure over me with only profiles "LET GO OF ME!" I scream, frailing my arms about in hopes I would strike the form, but the it eludes all my swings "Love, it's me", the familiar twinge of an accent greets me through the soft notable tone of the body on top of me, I ease and instantly ruth follows. I sigh and gaze up at Newt, the darkness of early morning cloaks his aspects and almost deems it impractical to identify him "Love, are you okay?" He probes worriedly, at first I am addled and crease my brows together, but then I detect something sliding from my orb and towards the ground, I elevate my hand and graze my cheek, catching a cool drop of liquid, I inspect it senilely, but then I recall my dream, the tears surge through my orbs and urge earnestly to emit from me, I blink rapidly to thwart them, Newt tucks his brows together. Worried for me, I obtain his collar and yank him into my embrace, clinging to him for solace, he sighs and nestle into me, our pose is very erotic, with him on top of me and settled between my arched legs, a tingle tickles down my back, almost causing me to shift uneasily, his face is curled into my neck, his warm breath causes my skin to moisten and tingle, although his hands play with my hair soothingly and he doesn't appear to mind the position we are in, I am beyond timid and aroused, but those mulls wane away. When the mulls of the dream return, they replace my lewd notions and onus me, my tears finally spill, untethered from the levee that was curbing them, they leave my orbs and soak the fabric of his shirt, causing it to stick peevingly against my cheek, the steady beating drum that is his heartbeat, hums lively against my ear, lazing me fairly "what happened, Love? Another nightmare?" His voice is laden with sleep and his accent only makes his tone sound more alluring and rare, the sound causes my chest to swell "not a nightmare, but not a good dream". I inform him, he tugs me closer into his chest, I note how his heart begins to race, I make him timid too, I almost smile at the notion "do you wanna talk about it?" He queries me subtly, I dither, not certain about divulging my dream to him "if you don't want to talk, I understand" he advises me, this makes my heart swell once again "besides, I sorta like the way we are cuddling" he chuckles out as a jest, I chuckle along unevenly, the sound is weird "well, it's still a bit confusing to me". I prepare him "just tell me every detail, we can figure it out together", my heart flutters, I hope he doesn't heed "well, at first it was a nightmare", he prevails raking his hand through my hair lullingly "I was in a dark tunnel, it was so dark that I couldn't even see my arm if I held it up in front of me", I recall "wow, that's dark" Newt utters "no interruptions!" I scold jocularly, softly hitting his chest, he chuckles, regaled by me "as I was saying, I began to walk in hopes of finding my way out. But then, this hand grabbed my ankle and pulled me down to the ground, I fought it off as best as I could, but some of my shirt got torn in the process", I detect Newt's heart sputtering to a halt briefly before onseting to hasten once again, I tuck my brows together, but don't probe it "once I freed myself, I ran, because there were more, and they were coming from the ground, there were wails of madness, like those from Cranks that filled the tunnel I was in, I got captured once again and was almost unable to unbound myself. Only because another hand seized my wrist and dragged it to the floor, although more of my shirt was torn, I freed myself and kept running, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, I evaded all the hands and passed through the threshold, but I glanced back and saw that the hands were nothing but shadows", I crease my brows together, but persists "but that's where the nightmare ended and the dream started, I was in a room, there was a woman in a bed, peacefully reclined, but beside her", I halt, sighing "was a WICKED Researcher".

Author's info- Hello reader! BOOM! Another great chapter and amazing cliffhanger! I really hope you guys liked it!! At first I was afraid this chapter wouldn't make the cut, but it did!! This entire chapter has so many hints in them, I can't even tell you right now! For I might forget some myself! This chapter is so important and such a major milestone in the story! Although, I fear that this book will be incredibly long, because I am still in the Scorch at chapter 70 and there is so much more waiting for these characters of mine, but then again, this gives me the great opportunity to really expand on my characters! I almost feel sorry for them, almost, hehe! Anyway, although I have said this many times before, I really mean it now, beyond the chapter after this is a load of emotional baggage and depression, Rose may appear fine now, but that is because she doesn't wish to worry anyone about her to appear strong and brave like the rest of the group! So get those tissues ready and mentally prepare yourself, there won't be anything too touchy like self harm or anything, but I really want to ensure that no one us going through what I am about to dump Rose into, if you know someone, or you are the someone, you can come talk to me or talk to your parents! I really don't like it when people who support and love my work are silently suffering without any help! So please, be delicate with responses because you never know if someone is actually going through what Rose is going through! I really appreciate the support and love that has been gifted to me! I woke up this morning and saw that my story blew up in my face! Literally and metaphorically! When I woke up and checked my stories progress on my Wattpad page, I was blinded shortly by the illuminated screen since this was early in the morning, but I am okay! But I was amazed by what I saw! You guys are so amazing and I am so thankful for all that you readers have done! I got to go, the next chapter won't write itself! I love you all and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Later reader!!

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