Chapter 50-Gorgeous

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I don't recall when I closed my orbs, frankly, I am stunned I was even able to do so, but I am dubious about what awaits for me as I flux between the gateway of reality and slumber, all I remember is the soft faint sound of a steady thump, along with the faint whisper of a voice, "sleep, Darling", this is what settled me into repose, I open my orbs and rake my vicinity warily, alarmed by my location, the scene is ebbed, only the faint tint of sere is lucid, but the hue isn't supreme, it wanes feebly. It has the chance to surround me, but it doesn't, once it reaches my peripherals, it is completely gone, I glance ahead and spot a small, little girl who is gazing out of a window, curiosity tugs me onward, I compliantly heed it and stride towards her, my gait lengthy, but not rushed, I erect a foot away from the little girl, with my close proximity, I am divulged her mane hue and the tint of her clothes, her hair is a radiant brown that cascades down her back in innate winds, her brown orbs glint, arraying her curb on her exploits. Her clothes are a sterile and stark coat of ivory, her shirt is tucked beneath her skirt, creating a small pool of ridged fabric, the only contrast of color she has is the freshly buffed, raven shoes she wears that possess a small heel, a small silver buckle clasps the shoe in place, her long lashes move tenaciously as her orbs scan the outside world, the window she gazes out of habors an intersect of bars that guard the glass, but they don't hinder her view as she rests her chin on her curled arms on the windowsill. I glance outside the window from beside her, discerning the vulgar span of sand and ruination easily "what are you doing here, little flower?", arose a voice from behind me, I whirl around in sync with the little girl, her orbs morph with fear, but I tuck my brows together, before me is the frame of a woman with the matching color of clothes, only more refined, ameliorated, her ebony heels assist in elevating her already tall stature, no wrinkles blemish her clothing, but I can't espy her face, her entire facial aspects are blurred out, making discernment almost difficult. The lady before me erects with no face, anything above her shoulders is blotted out, fear and addle settles in my stomach, but I can't thwart my rivet, the body strides forward, placing a wan hand upon the shoulder of the little girl, I glance at the girl, gazing at her aspects, her face is broad and defined, young with purity, her rotund, brown orbs gaze up, as if meeting the orbs of the woman before her, the girl hangs her head ruefully "I was just looking" she admits softly, timid of the outcome, the woman sighs displeasedly at her. "Now, Rose, you know how dangerous that is", my orbs swell, I glance at the girl, only now noticing the profound affinity betwixt us "I know" she frowns, the woman sighs impassively "don't worry, just remember to stay away from the window" the woman reminds her, being lenient towards my younger self "what is that place anyway? Why can't I go outside and play?" She queries ingenuously, I grin at her fondly "Rose, the outside world is a menacing place, filled with horrors that you can't even fathom, along with the ineffable ruin that litters every corner, it's too ominous". The woman replies quite harshly towards the girl, not sparing her any penitence "especially for a little kid" she persists, furthering her point, the girl frowns "I know, it's just... I really want someone to play with" she admits, my ruth thrashes against my chest, coveting to extend to her, a hand skims a lock of hair behind the girl's right ear prudently "and you will have someone to play with, Rose, one day, I will personally introduce you to one of the other subjects" the woman notifies her "okay, I won't go outside, but only if you stop calling us subjects. We're not mice trying to find cheese" my younger self opines herself with a firey intrepidness, the woman chuckles "deal", she tugs my younger self into an embrace, twining her arms around her frail frame "and don't you worry about those horrors, Rose, as long as you stay inside this building, you will be guarded" the woman assures my younger self "but you have one query left to unravel" the little girl informs her, resting her chin on the woman's waist to gaze up into her orbs "and what is that?" The woman replies "what is that place called, Auntie?". Shock is a ram of stone against my frail body, horror settles within like a churning gale, repel froths in my chest, my breaths become erratic and shutter, my lips quiver as this is divulged, savvying that I have family who also toiled for WICKED, I gag on my exigent huffs and retreat slowly, the memory ebbs, but not before I percieve the woman's response "the Scorch", abruptly I am flung into a domain of chaos, memories hare across my vison, too quick and blurry to decipher, I claw at the air, frailing for some kind of hold. I twist and orbit undirectedly, adages arise in my ears, raucous and lucid "Rose, don't trust them", "Rose, I love you", "you have to choose a side", "don't trust her, she only ever cared for herself", "Rose, please remember, please", "hey! Get outta here!" A voice hests, I groan subtly as an ache bangs against my forehead, I bar my orbs, awake with no hint of disorientedness, only to be displayed a divine sight, Newt is cuddled against me, his arms firmly encased around my frame, resting upon my incurve, legs meshed in my own, as the sun gingerly illumes his aspects, I awe, he's gorgeous.

Author's info- Hello reader! BOOM! Another chapter and amazing cliffhanger! I really hope you enjoyed it! So, allow me to explain myself, the little girl in the picture is young Rose, who is depicted as young Amanda Blake! They almost looed alike so I chose the best option I could find! I hope you agree with my choice of an actor! And I won't lie when I say I have been feeling a little bit deprived of motivation becausr not many people are reading this amazing book! I don't want to cone across as desperate for attention when there are so many other great works out there that surpass my own, but I am VERY introverted about my work, it took me this long to reveal this to the world because I was very dubious about it, but after seeing how much love my first book got, I was determined to add the sequel, and yes, I know these things take time, but most of the readers, who will remain nameless, have stopped reading my story all together, which not only makes me sad, it makes me really scared because if a reader who is loving the story so far suddenly just stops at a specific chapter and won't return my texts, then they either are super busy or have ghosted me entirely, both of these things are super soul crushing for me because I loved writing that book and I am enjoying this one, but my motivation is way down and I just need some love, guys, as I have said before if this story gets enough love, then I will definitely continue with the series, if not, I may have to do what all readers hate and end it on a cliffhanger! Yeah, that is where I am at right now in my motivation! So, do me a favor, smash that voting star, leave a comment or message me personally with any critique, it might just make my day! Abandoning that sober mood, I hope you guys are loving Newt and Rose's relationship together, and we better buckle up and prepare the tissues, because I am about to take you on a illegally emotional rollercoaster ride that might both trigger you and interest you! Don't forget to stay healthy and share this book with everyone you know if you truly love it! Later reader!

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