Something Powerful

76 7 0

TW; birth, mild fighting

On the planet Bakura, at the edge of the wild space.

Cordelia had felt the beginnings of labour for over a day, but her waters hadn't broken, so she and the midwives sat in wait in her small room. She'd escaped to this planet for months ago, after overhearing her madam's plans to sell her child the moment it was separated from her.

She and Kylo had spent the night exploring each other's bodies, having had sex more than half a dozen times before they'd collapsed in exhaustion and fallen asleep. She'd woken the next morning alone, save for his seed still leaking from her. She'd known something had been different almost immediately. Her body temperature had risen. She was always warm and more fatigued than normal. When her madam summoned a healer to confirm, she had been far from pleased.

Thankfully, their brothel wasn't frequented by just anyone. Meaning it wasn't particularly busy. When she had finally been sent to another patrons chamber, a large Killik male, he had taken one look at her eyes and deemed her unworthy. The madam kept her hidden from the others so they wouldn't know of her condition.

Her stomach contracted painfully, and she gave a deep groan of pain, bringing her back to the present. One of her midwives confirmed she was ready to finally begin pushing, and she got into position, crouched on a birthing stool. Her two other midwives stood at her side, holding her hands and whispering words of encouragement. At least what she hoped was encouragement. Only one of them spoke her language.

"Push, now!" The midwives knelt before her said.

And Cordelia did, feeling pain like she had never in her life as she growled with determination.

Deep breath.


Deeper breath.

Harder push.

What felt like hours passed, but it could have been minutes or mere seconds. Cordelia's brow was slicked with sweat as she screamed with focus.

"That's it!" Her midwife encouraged.

Focusing on the twin moons rising over the horizon, Cordelia found the last shred of strength she had in her body and pushed. The pain was world ending, as though she were being blasted by a star destroyer.

The galaxy seemed to still, holding its breath as her child tore its way into the world. The moons seemed to glow brighter, as her vision blurred.


Somewhere across the galaxy

Kylo Ren spun away from his advancing Knights, their weapons aimed for his head. From somewhere out of his eyeline, Snoke chided him for fighting defensively instead of taking advantage of the obvious opening in Vicrul's left flank. Kylo seethed at the barb, but deflected the next attack with ease, blasting back three of the Knights with the Force.

He'd been unfocused for three days now, irritable and quick to engage when his Knights tested him. It felt as though his skin was stretched too tightly across his body and he needed to break free from it.

Vicrul advanced again, his hooked blade raised for attack, when he suddenly froze.

They all did.

Even Supreme Leader Snoke raised his palm and looked to the wall of glass showing the galaxy outside their ship.

"Something.....something of great power has just awoken." He said.

Kylo felt it as well, the shift within the Force to make way for the behemoth that had opened its eyes. Suddenly Kylo felt as though he could see with such clarity. He sent the remainder of his Knights flying across the training deck.


Then it was gone.

The ache, remained. But the pain, it was gone, as though it had been no more than a far off dream.

There was no cry as Cordelia slummed back into her midwives arms.

"Is it alright? Is my baby alive?!" She demanded.

The two are her side whispered as they looked down on the bundle in the first midwife's arms. A baby still enclosed within its protective sack.

"He is shrouded. A powerful omen." The midwife said, producing a knife to break the veil covering her child. Her son.

As the cover parted, and her son took his first breath, a wail sounded and Cordelia slumped back in relief.

She stared down at her son, feeling as though her heart would burst. She took in the thatch of midnight black hair, void of all colour. His skin, paler than her own, she could already tell he would be the mirror image of his father when he was grown. It was after a few moments the babe blinked open his eyes and she looked into her own mirror. Perfect eyes of ruby looked back at her

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