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Cordelia hadn't been sure what she wanted more in life in that moment. To get her son and escape the Steadfast or punch Vicrul right in his beautiful face. They jockeyed for the forefront of her mind, but instead of causing a scene, she gripped Vicrul's arm tight enough to hurt and allowed him to lead her through the warmly lit gambling den.

The change of clothes he had given her was hardly more than a slip of fabric that covered all the important areas of her body, just barely. The fabric was dark blue, almost black - similar to her hair - that shimmered as she walked, her feet stuck in a pair of ridiculous heels that she'd stumbled around in for the first ten minutes when they'd arrived on the planet. Not that she was uncomfortable with so much skin showing. Her arms and legs were toned from her work, her stomach - albeit, soft - wasn't obvious in the clinging fabric. It was the heavy weight of the surrounding gazes. As they walked, males and females looked on with inquisitive glances and lustful stares. She wanted to turn and run back to their small craft and fly all the way back to the Steadfast herself.

Men and Women of all species mingled about, drinks in hand as they lingered around tables. Cards and chips were exchanged, and Cordelia took in much she could as she passed, but Vicrul kept a brisk pace as he moved them past the main room and into a darker, more secluded room. Upon entering, Cordelia felt the shift immediately. It was warmer, yet a cool breeze drifted through the room. Music played louder than it had, and the lights were even more dimly lit.

A small dancefloor was in the centre of the room, and bodies moved in tandem as they flowed with the music. Instead of taking her into the crowd, Vicrul led her up a small flight of stairs to a balcony that overlooked everything. Cordelia's eyed met Ap'Lek's the second she reached the top. His eyes went to her hand wrapped around Vicrul's arm, and her eyes went to the hand he had placed on the hip of the woman in his lap. Time seemed to slow as they stared at one another, but Vicrul broke the silence.

"Look who I found." He said, arm going around her waist to pull her into him.

"Found!?" She growled, shrugging out of his grip. "He dragged me here." She said for her own benefit....or perhaps to appease Ap'Lek. Which seemed to work as he turned his searing gaze on the man in question.

Vicrul grinned, and pulled Cordelia towards the couch that the five Knights sat. Cordelia tried to keep her gaze off of Ap'Lek, but she didn't miss the way he leaned into the woman on his lap and whispered in her ear. At his words, the woman tensed before shoving off of him and quickly making her way down the stairs.

"Now why'd you go and do that Ap?" Vicrul laughed darkly as he lowered himself onto the couch, as far from Ap'Lek as he could be, beside Ushar, whose lips were curved in a small smile as if he knew exactly what Vicrul was doing.

Cordelia went to take a seat at one of the small stools lining the bar side railing, but Vicrul's hand shot out and pulled her onto his lap. Cordelia went to growl something at him, but caught the look in Ap'Lek's eyes and shut her mouth. The man at the opposite end of the couch seemed to glare at Vicrul with eyes full of fire.

Vicrul motioned to one server standing off to the side for a drink and they quickly jumped to give both him and Cordelia a long-stemmed glass with sparkling liquid inside. Cordelia couldn't stop herself from sneaking glances towards Ap'Lek, who stared off towards the dance floor with his fists clenched so tight, his knuckles were white.

Instead of lingering on his foul mood, Cordelia took a long pull from her glass. The liquid was cool, and had an accompanying burn as it went down, but the taste was pleasant and Cordelia decided then, that she would enjoy herself. For this last night.

She'd sunk into Vicrul's lap, leaning comfortably into his chest as she sipped her second drink. The large man whose lap she rested in, was more than happy to take her weight and his hand rested on her bare thigh, just below the ridiculously short hem of her micro dress. She regarded the hand with a sideways glance, but didn't remove it. The man had had his tongue between her legs the night before. This was hardly scandalous behaviour for a grown woman, and considering the Knights had seen her straddling Ap'Lek, she didn't worry about their opinions.

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