Live Wire

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TW; sex, female receiving oral


Ap'Lek's body surged into hers, his cock throbbing and stretching her in the most delicious way. Her knees were pinned to her shoulders and his forehead was pressed against her own. The undulation of his hips was maddening. She grew wetter with each roll of her hips. The sound of their bodies slapping against each other was intoxicating and so erotic. When he kissed her, she sucked his tongue into her mouth and he chuckled, his hips piston'd in earnest. Cordelia could feel her orgasm building, like a wave cresting when it had grown too large. His body rocked against her, rubbing her clit so perfectly, she cried out.

Cordelia shot upright, rocking against the pillow she'd been holding in her sleep. Realizing what she was doing, what she had been dreaming of, wasn't enough to get her to stop. She wanted this orgasm, needed it after everything. She rocked, and the tingling began at the tips of her toes and suddenly she was gasping and writhing back against her bed, rubbing that pillow between her thighs, against her clit. Moaning Ap'Lek's name unabashedly.

When the spasms had subsided and she lay in moist ecstasy, did the shame appear. It had been over a week since she'd seen Ap'Lek, both thanks to her own avoidance of the training hall and Vicrul taking Valour to the dining hall every night to dine with her before work. The beautiful Knight was good company, quick to tell a joke and happy to be the fool to make Valour laugh. They got along well, but from what her son told her, he got along well with all the knights, even Cardo, the other knight that had borne witness to her fight with Ap'Lek.

Vicrul also fallen into the habit of walking her back to her quarters before her shift. He hadn't outright asked to sleep with her again, but she seen the invitation in his gaze. She should have taken him last night, should have pushed him onto her bed and rode him as wantonly as she needed. She knew he would have been happy to lie back and enjoy the ride, but something stopped her. Something in the way he looked at her, had Ap'Lek's visage flashing in front of her each time. So she didn't ask, and she continued on in this agony.

She had woken late, and likely missed dinner with Valour. Instead, she made her way to the hangar bay to work. Halsi was still as mean spirited as always, but no longer watched over Cordelia as suspiciously. There was something different in the hangar today, an electrified energy that sparked across the hangar. She was working alone inside one of the TIE Fighters, rewiring the main interface, seated that the helm. She'd chosen this ship for her escape. Halsi knew enough of Cordelia's skill not to question her need for further work.

One of the wires arched and shocked her fingertips, causing her to gasp and sit back, clutching her left hand, her right holding the small control panel face. She needed to figure out a way to sneak Valour here without the knights noticing his disappearance. At least for long enough for her to get away from this ship and into hyper space.

"So this is where you work." Vicrul's voice said from behind her.

Startling, the control panel flew from her hand, bouncing behind her as she swivelled the seat to face Vicrul.

"What are you doing here, Vic?"

He smiled at the use of his shortened name.

"You didn't come for dinner. I wanted to be sure you hadn't skipped work as well."

"I slept longer than I meant, missed dinner."

"Hmm. I'll let Valour know in the morning." He trailed off, looking around the interior of the TIE.

"Did you really come all this way to check on me?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I? I've also never seen this hanger so late in the night. It really does have a skeleton crew."

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