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A five hour shift and I saw 4 peoples, what else is a woman to do¿


His fingers tightened on her chin once more at the sound of his name.

"How are you here?" He breathed, voice still grating through his helm.

"It's a long story. If you'd give me a few moments to freshen up, I'd love to tell you about it." Cordelia said, anyway, to prolong the conversation so she might come up with a more convincing story. Her mind had not suddenly changed. She still planned on escaping this ship. This was nothing more than an obstacle.

"You have your own quarters?" He asked.

"I do. I work in the hangar."

"In the hangar?" He parroted.

"No more brothels for me." She said through gritted teeth. Of course, he was confused with her working on machinery. He likely still thought of her as nothing more than a common whore.

"Of course." He said with a small shake of his head as he dropped his hand from her chin. "Lead the way. I'm eager to learn of your journey."

Motioning her forward, Cordelia turned and led the way back to her quarters. The corridors were fairly empty, but those they did pass were obvious in their open stares at the woman being escorted by the Supreme Leader himself. Cordelia tried to ignore them, keeping herself set on her destination.

It wasn't long before they stopped before her door and she opened it quickly, inviting Kylo in behind her with a jerk of her chin. He seemed to consider it for a moment, glancing up and down the hall before he relented and stepped into the space.

Cordelia stepped back to give him space, her legs pressing against her small cot as he took up almost all the space. He turned to glance at her, as if in question of why she continued to stare at him like she was.

Clearing her throat, she crossed to the small hanger of clothes and threw her ruined dress behind it, hoping Kylo wouldn't comment on it. Cordelia slid the cloak off of her shoulders and slung it over the hanger. The henley was long enough that it covered most of her, but she didn't miss the choking sound Kylo made behind her at the sight of her bare legs. A small smile curved her lips as she grabbed a pair of issued slacks and pulled them up her legs. Once they were secure, she rid herself of the shirt and tossed it over her shoulder onto the bed. Quickly, she pulled a long-sleeved black shirt over her head and turned back to Kylo as it settled over her hips.

He hadn't turned away, likely having stared at her the entire time she'd changed and she didn't care. A part of her, a very small part, had liked the idea of his eyes on her.

"How did you -"

"Take off your helmet." Cordelia cut him off. She hadn't meant to speak, to ask anything of him, yet the demand was out of her mouth before she could even comprehend that she'd given the Supreme Leader of the Galaxy an order.

He remained silent, with no hints that he would listen to her. But Cordelia realized she had been serious. She wanted to look upon the face of her son's sire. She wanted to see the resemblance and proof, instead of fighting for that age old memory that would have faded if not for Valour. Cordelia took the three steps separating them and look up at him, guessing where his eyes would be within his helm.

"I want to look at you. Please take off your helmet." She said, reaching up to touch her hand to the side of it when he remained silent. "Please Kylo."

Cordelia heard his soft exhale and his hand reached up to press a hidden lever and it hissed as it released. His hands reached up, but she was faster. Her other hand came to the opposite side of his helmet and his hands captured hers as she tried to lift it from him. He stilled her for a moment, and she was unravelling within to know exactly what was going on inside his head, to know what he was thinking in that moment. With only a slight hesitation, he helped her lift the helm clear off of his head, leaving Cordelia hardly more than a breath away from her son's father.

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