8 Years Ago

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Hi everyone, I want to preface this by saying while I'm an incredibly big fan of Star Wars I don't know it all, and I'm kind of just winging it. This chapter takes place shortly after Ben fled the Jedi temple after Luke attacked him. Hope you enjoy!

TW; mentions of abuse, pretty fluffy smut


8 Years Ago

"They're here" Greta, the Tionese woman, shouted from the window of their shared sleeping chamber.

Cordelia watched from the corner, unsure of what she should do in such a situation. She didn't know who 'they' were or why all the men and women in the brothel were running around as though they'd had their heads chopped off. But she knew tonight would be different.

Their planet wasn't a prominent one. She didn't even know the name of it. Her father - or she supposed he wasn't her father, simply her mother's husband. He had been sure to clarify that fact when he'd dropped her on the brothel steps six months ago. After a quick exchange of credits, she was no more than property to the madam of this establishment.

Tonight was supposed to be her first night. She loathed to think of doing such things. What if she was given to a Gamorrean, or a Thrandoshan... The hairs along her arms rose at the thought.

Cordelia could hear the door to the brothel open and her madam welcome the group of seven with a cheery voice ever used with her property.

"The Knights!" One of the women squealed.

"Ushar is mine!" Another hissed.

"Is that why he came to me after you on their last visit?" One of the men said with a smirk.

Cordelia watched the exchange, her sensitive eyes picking up the flushing of their skin as their blood rushed to other places.

"I hope Master Ren chooses me again. He was enjoyable bed sport."

The door opened to their chamber, and the madam entered, shutting the door behind her.

"As I'm sure you've seen, the Knights have arrived. Their leader, Master Ren, has been slain, and they are led by a new Master."

There were gasps of shock through the room, but all kept silent.

"As their gift to this new leader, they've paid for the entire night. With all the girls, but for this leader, a new girl was requested." The madam turned her gaze on Cordelia, her night dark eyes glaring at her in silence demand.

There were a few snarks of annoyance of Cordelia being chosen, but they were intelligent enough to keep mostly silent.

"As for the rest of you, the knights have requested the celebration room for all of you. Cordelia, you will be going to the master suite."

Cordelia gulped, her skin tingling as she tried to prepare herself. When she'd first arrived, she tried for three weeks to escape, each time she was caught and returned. Each time she was beaten worse. When she refused her 'lessons' with the other men and women, she was denied food, water and even clothes. She could only imagine what the madam would do to her if she refused now, in front of everyone. She'd be made an example.

Instead, Cordelia steeled her spine and leveled her gaze with the madam.

"What colour would this man like me in?"

The door to the master suite opened as Cordelia stepped before it, welcoming her into the lofty space. A huge bed lay in the centre, with shining black sheets and a fur hide across the end. The roof was glass, showing off the endless stars that flowed above. A refresher to the side of the room that she could hear water running. Her guest must be freshening himself.

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